127 Yard Sale

Posted by Liz McCoy Monday, July 30, 2007 View Comments

I'm sooo excited I get to go this year. I haven't been in 2 years and I SOOOO missed it. The 127 Corridor is the World's Longest Yardsale stretching from alabama to ohio...along US127.

It is a yardsaler's dream come true...way better than any estate sale or community garage sale!! My sister Rebecca and I will be going and hopefully my friend Sarah too! We'll leave dark and early (before or at sunrise) so we can get up to the chattanooga area sometime in the morning and still get some good yard sale hours in. I get the minivan back on tuesday so that will make a great travel and collecting vehicle. I'm thinking we may pack a lunch/dinner...some areas have food vendors and/or fast food near by but we might not want to miss out on any thing LOL.

Anyone else out there going this year????

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A friendly surprise

Posted by Liz McCoy Monday, July 23, 2007 View Comments

Friends of ours are trying to get pregnant and the husband asked us what the secret was. We jokingly said red lingerie! So dh and I decided we'd send them some.  That was a while ago and I had just gotten around to actually ordering it from Victoria's Secret earlier this month.

I had it gift wrapped and put a gift tag on it however they don't allow for much wording on those. I was trying to write an explanation as to why we're sending lingerie to them?? Because of space I just wrote get-r-done! and our names.  Oh yeah and I sent it to the husbands attention. LOL

We called last night to see if they'd gotten it b/c we'd heard from another friend that they had...and we wanted to get all the details.  The wife came home to find a package on the front step for her hubby and was wondering why he would be receiving a package that was so light??? She opened it but missed the gift tag and saw it was from victoria's secret and was even more confused why he wouldn't just go to the store but had it mailed home and not to work even???  She found the gift tag and laughed then decided to mess with her hubby.  She was on her way to his job site (he's a construction foreman) anyway so she brought the package along and went up to him and asked him to explain why he'd received this package.  He made her go back to the truck b/c he didn't want his guys to see the box. Of course he had NO explanation at all.  She said the look on his face was classic!  She showed him the gift tag and it all came together.  Fun times!

So we hope that they get some good use out of that LOL and get preggers soon! hehehe.

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My baby is ONE!!!

Posted by Liz McCoy Friday, July 20, 2007 View Comments

Wowzers! Has it really been a year?  Today is ds's first birthday!!! I thought i'd post some photos of him when he was first born..wow you moms must know how your hearts swells up when you think back to the miracle of giving birth to your child/children. What a day that was!!  It was kind of funny b/c my lil sister spent the night last night and she had a bad dream and came into our bedroom at 3am which one year ago that's when I woke up having contractions!!!  Just a neat little coinkydink.  Well tomorrow he'll have cake for the first time!!  There is still sooooo much to get done before his party!!! 

Hugs to all!!

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Almost there!

Posted by Liz McCoy Wednesday, July 18, 2007 View Comments

We're almost there with the den!  I need to hem the new curtains and finish painting the mantle and put up a few pictures.  Our garage is a bit emptier but still has a bunch of junk LOL. I probably will finish the mantle tonight.  Then I'm onto the dining table and kitchen.  I'm pleased with how this came together and am not freaked about all i have to accomplish before ds's party!   Catch you all later!

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Have you ever seen something so pretty??

Posted by Liz McCoy Monday, July 16, 2007 View Comments

WOW...i love these sculptures by Jen Stark These are hand cut from construction paper!  You've got to check out her site.

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Well we're getting ready for Jack's party on saturday and boy do i have TOOOOO much to do!!!?!?!?!?!?!?  We're really cramming to get this den finished and put all the furniture back in there.  Then we'll have our garage back and our living room!!  I'd feel alot better as so as we can put everything back then i can breath easy and focus on the decorations and party planning.  We definitely waited to the last minute to do the trim work in the den. But we really needed to wait for the assistance of someone with experience I don't think DH would have been able to finish nearly as quickly. 

DH was able to power wash the front steps, both back patios and the deck yesterday morning while it sprinkled on him.  I'm praying and believing for his health, specifically not to catch a cold.  (He loaded up on vitamin C.) But boy do those babies look great!!!  I taped up the base boards and around the doors.  Then he sprayed the back and front yard with mosquito killer which we really needed to do!!  Last weekend we were eaten alive!  He also hooked up the mosquito catcher/lamp/thingy and ran that so hopefully we'll have a bucket full of dead bugs to empty!

After Jack went to bed and we ate dinner I primed the door surrounds and the patio doors and ken taped off the floor.  We're not worrying about the crown right now b/c that can wait until after the party.  Although I might add the mantle to the list of to-dos bc it looks like crap right now with everything else looking so great.  We'll see...dh might go bonkers on me!

Of course for whatever reason i'm fixated on working in my office and decluttering in there when that has nothing to do with our deadline??? I keep having to focus and work on things that are really pertinent. Tonight we paint the base boards and doors.

Tomorrow on my day off I'm thoroughly cleaning the guest bathroom and kitchen.  (It should last until saturday) I can just touch up on the day of the party.  Dh's mom's birthday is on saturday and I wanted to get her a gift...the same gift i was going to get her for mothers day but never got around to it.  Which involves me getting some pictures printed.

I need to get Jack's cake topper made too Rosie & I are going to do that.  Ack!! TOO MANY THINGS TO DO AND SOOO LITTLE TIME

Well I need to get to work now...catch you later!!

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Posted by Liz McCoy Sunday, July 15, 2007 View Comments

Not sure if I had shared previously that DH and his boss put in some laminate flooring in the den a while back.  We had pulled up the base boards to install the floor well we decided to replace them with some larger ones and to paint them white.  With replacing them we could get primed boards and not have to prime and paint dark wood.  well if we're changing the base to white we'd have to change the crown...since the previous installation was not so great we decided to replace that too and go around the fire place.

So that brings me to this weekend dh and our friend Jeff worked on the trim work and wow what a difference you can't really tell from these pictures but if you were here and saw it in person you'd love it! So we've got to paint the patio doors and the trim and we'll be all set. Oh yeah and replace the mantle with a white one...or paint this one we'll see which.  Here are the in progress photos.  Of course dh was excited to get to use the nail gun and now wants one.  Of course there really isn't anything to use it on LOL.

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My Family

Posted by Liz McCoy Friday, July 13, 2007 View Comments

Well we got a cute family picture taken on the 4th...hope you like it as much as I do.  You can just ignore the bags under my eyes and my over all tired look LOL.  I didn't used to be a make-up and totally put together person but before ds i definitely looked alittle less worn LOL...i need to work on that!

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Wow! Look Mom I Act My Age

Posted by Liz McCoy Monday, July 9, 2007 View Comments

Thanks to Amanda for pointing this little quiz out. Turns out I act one year younger than I am!!

You Are 24 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

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a great and crappy weekend

Posted by Liz McCoy Sunday, July 8, 2007 View Comments

Well let me tell you this morning when I woke up I was just
sooo blessed by all the stuff we’d accomplished Friday and Saturday. I
was ready for another day of checking things off the to do list.

Saturday my mom and I trimmed ALL the bushes around our
house and chopped down a humungo bush next to our front steps…it was just
way way way too big and with out it the yard looks wonderful don’t even
miss it.  We trimmed the branches of a wild little tree bush that was way too
over grown and into the cable wires hanging above.  We also trimmed the side
bushes about 2 feet down and 1 foot in from the side.  We hadn’t done
much lately it wasn’t tooo bad but with all the rain lately if we were
going to trim the wild stray branches we figured we’d just shape them all
upp nice and neat.  Cot the bushes on the other side of the house done.  Kenny
got home and nearly fell over when he saw the front bush was gone by the step…but
it has grown on him and he likes it now. I feel like our house is more inviting
now. We trimmed dead branches off trees in the back yard too. 

We’re getting things ready for Jack’s party coming
up soon.

Saturday my parents came over and helped us put up our
gazebo and move our outdoor dining table and chairs down to it. My parents
rented a carpet shampooer (sp?) for their house from home depot so we borrowed
it and shampooed our whole house yesterday and early this am.  Ken had to
return the machine by 9:45 this morning.

Well  now for the crappy part of the weekend.  On his way
back from home depot some dumb ass decided to pull in front of him and STOP. 
Well he tried to avoid her but ended up running right into her in our NEW
Minivan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (new to us)  Yeah I guess I hadn’t told you all yet about our
new mini van (it is official we’re a family…there is no disguising
it now LOL)  I wanted to take a picture of it but never got around to it.  So
it is pretty messed up put it looks like it won’t need to be totaled and
it can be fixed. It is just frustrating !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I’m back to our little accord ….we hadn’t
sold ken’s truck yet so that will be helpful but geeezz can we keep the
darned idiots off the torad??????!?!?!?!?

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Busy Weekend!

Posted by Liz McCoy Tuesday, July 3, 2007 View Comments

We had a busy weekend. Friday night we had a bridal shower at work for my sister Rosemary. Then Saturday night we had a shower at my parents house for the believers and friends.

I think it all turned out beautifully and everyone was blessed. Here are some pictures.

It was alot of work but Rosie was blessed and so were the guests!! The frames with the names were the place cards then you remove the green ribbon and your name and it had a scripture inside of a glass frame. Of course all the kiddos loved helping give her the presents. We took a group shot of all the ladies but unfortunately it didn't turn out..however the one of all of us bianchi women did and that was a blessing!

Catch you later!!

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How Addicted am I???

Posted by Liz McCoy Monday, July 2, 2007 View Comments
Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda FazaniInstalled by CahayaBiru.com

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