OMGosh!! I'm almost to 16,000 posts

Posted by Liz McCoy Friday, August 31, 2007 View Comments

Wowzers! I'm only 51 posts short of 16,000 at DSP!!  I've slowed down alot since the site started a few years ago but I'm still posting away!!!

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Happy Anniversary

Posted by Liz McCoy Thursday, August 30, 2007 View Comments

Well today is our wedding anniversary!!  We've been happily married for 4 years!  It has been wonderful so far and I know we will have many more blessed years.

In honor of our anniversary I'm posting a layout I did a while back of the 2 of us on our wedding day!  I'm certainly counting my blessings!!

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I've been Simpsonized

Posted by Liz McCoy Wednesday, August 29, 2007 View Comments

I'm not organized yet

Posted by Liz McCoy View Comments

Well I didn't get very far last weekend. But we've changed our labor day plans and are no longer going somewhere so we will be clean sweeping this weekend.  Although it is supposed to rain ACK!

Our projector bulb burnt out and we don't have the $$ right now to fix it so we're down from 102" to 20" TV right now.  I've rearranged the den to make that tv work better in the room and so we could actually see it.

Hopefully with dh here this weekend and having my lil sis help with ds we will be able to really really take out everything in the office and reorganize and declutter.  I'll catch you up later on that one.

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Clean Sweep!

Posted by Liz McCoy Friday, August 24, 2007 View Comments

Alrightie...don't come by my house this Saturday I will be clean sweeping my office and I am talking about getting tarps out on the front lawn bringing every last piece of furniture, junk, stuff, wrapping paper etc. out of there...I absolutely HAVE TO declutter my life.  I do a pretty good job of storing and cleaning up but I just can't take it any more I have WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY too much stuff.

I've tried doing it alittle at a time but that just does not seem to work for me.  I'm inspired by my little sister's new bedroom.  Everything really does have a place and what doesn't fit has to go or something else goes to make room for it.

I'm ready to throw away everything and just sit in an empty room with my computer...okay maybe not that far but it NEEDS to be organized and functioning. I'm tooo busy and have too many plans to get held back by STUFF.  A while back dh & my dad installed some cabinetry and it is a fantastic work space so I really would like to utilize it more.  Right now the counter just is holding stuff.

Anywhoo....that is my goal this weekend.  Hopefully I can be effective and really make a difference in there.

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Woo Hoo I got a Scrapbook Page done

Posted by Liz McCoy Wednesday, August 22, 2007 View Comments

Well, I finished another scrapbook page for Jack's 1st birthday album.  At this rate I might finish it by xmas.  LOL.  It was somewhat relaxing...I'd like it better if my tv was back in the office.

But nonetheless it is finished and i'm really pleased with it.

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the cake from Jack's birthday. A dear wonderful friend of the family and talented woman CS made the cake she did a stunning job. I had given her a picture of what I was thinking of and she did it and surpassed it!  It was 2 tiered with rolled fondant icing and fondant polk-a-dots.  She even polk-a-dotted one of the layers of cake!!! 

Here is the journaling from the layout:

CS made your beautiful cake She even made a mini ake just for you. She

was so detailed that she made sure each mini m&m was turned so the

letters didn’t show. She also took a pink and yellow candle, melted crayons to make it match the cake.  The cake was everything Mommy had imagined the top layer was chocolate and the

bottom vanilla. Mommy & Aunt Rosie made the cake topper a few days before the party. We used beads, wire, & painted wood letters.

Here are the products I used on this layout:
Tina Chamber's Doodle Delights Birthday WordArt

Jamie Heyl's Doing the Zoo Kit & Add On Pack

Kim Liddiard's All in a Row Quick Click

DSP Designer's 80's Revisited Page Kit


DSP Liz (available in Club Digital November 2007)

Rosie and I stayed up late one night working on a cake topper that I had pictured but wasn't sure how it would work or if we'd actually use it on the day of the party.  Boy was I pleased it was absolutely perfect and really what I had wanted.  My vision for the cake was for a kind of explosion a showering of fun.

The colors were colors I used throughout the whole me they are completely boy and perfect for my one year old.

Wow that's just too surreal I have a ONE YEAR OLD!! OMGosh!!

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I've been poked!?

Posted by Liz McCoy View Comments

what the heck is a poke??? ... i feel so violated...someone just poked me
through the internet!?! HUH??? LOL...dh is not happy about that one LOL.I just joined facebook today and have no clue what that site is all about...seems like a glorified address book with a bunch of crap added to it... but everyone i know is doing it..or atleast most of I'm trying it out. 

Honestly I feel much to old to be on seems like it is a youngster's forum. But on the other hand I'd much rather be on facebook than  myspace...I won't let dh post any pictures on myspace of me or our son.  Too many crazy's on that site (no offense drew).

At this point I much prefer my onesided blog with the occasional comment from my cousin.  Where are all of you subscribers??? Feedburner is telling me there is more than one of you...LOL

I've gone through my highschool network on facebook and its weird to think I'm 7 years out!  There are a few friends I'd like to see again besides that I'm more than moved on.  Of course one of my bestest friends SH we keep in touch all the time and get together too.

Well I'm off to get some scrapbooking done!  I really need to complete ds's 1st birthday album.

Hugs to all!

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Levi LaSalle

Posted by Liz McCoy View Comments

Good Morning All!!!

I received an email today with a website about Levi LaSalle, he is the son of dear friends of ours. Levi is developmentally challenged and friends of his are raising money to help get him into a program that will help him grow in his learning and development. 

His parents have known me since I was a toddler and are like an aunt and uncle to me. There is a beautiful video on the site that explains the situation.  There is also a incredibly touching letter from Levi's dad.

I'd love it if you would visit their site and get to know Levi and if you could help him please do so:

ALSO please spread the word of Levi and his family's story.


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Kinda down

Posted by Liz McCoy Tuesday, August 21, 2007 View Comments

I'm a bit down tonight...just tired I guess.  I just want to vent but I know if I get some sleep I'll feel better tomorrow. So I won't say anything I'll regret now.

Exciting news for DH...he gets to go to the Bristol night race this incredible is that??  Well I'm not much of a race fan but he is so that's exciting and amazing. It is something he, my sister, and Dad have always talked about doing, and both of them are excited for DH too.

I helped mom work on my lil sister's room swap today. I'm so excited how well it turned out there are a few things left to move in and arrange but all the major pieces are there. She even has a beading station...which she's super excited about.

I have a bridal shower on Saturday it's kitchened themed.  I already have the present wrapped it has been done for a week or so now.  I have their wedding presents wrapped already too..LOL

I'm at a transition point with responsibilities I have in different areas of my life.  Just alot of stress and decisions to be made.  Your perspective really changes when you become a parent. 

I was looking forward to going to the movies this weekend we'll reschedule that hopefully sometime soon.  Speaking of movies I think the last one I've saw at the theater was the movie with keri russell and the pies. 

Well i think i'll move on and watch my tv movie tonight...and hopefully I'll have a better attitude tomorrow.


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My house just stopped smelling like bacon that I made for breakfast on saturday and last night I needed to cut up an onion for the pot roast we're having today and now the house stinks horribly like onions!!! ARGGGHHH...and it will still smell as I cook the roast.

This makes me get excited for fund raiser season coming soon.  My lil sister had a fund raiser selling candles last year they were pricey and I bought 3 and spent like 30 or 45 bucks!! OUCH but after using them I'd buy them all over again and more.  They were the ONLY candle I've had that remove/mask (not sure what it did) the smell of cooking.  And the smells were awesome not perfumey but not faint either.  I've burnt them all down to nothing and there gone :(

Anywhoo....that's my little post for today.  Catch you later!

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I love toys

Posted by Liz McCoy Thursday, August 16, 2007 View Comments

I love finding unique fun toys for Jack.  I'm not really that big into characters and thankfully now I can avoid them as much as possible.  (Jack doesn't watch tv...he just isn't interested).

But look at this awesome puzzle:

I just love that they're only $7.99!!  I might have to get a few of these for him for xmas!  Or atleast put them on his list for santa :).

They're available at oompa toys

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Phew! What a whirlwind weekend

Posted by Liz McCoy Monday, August 13, 2007 View Comments

It was a great weekend...for me it started on Thursday so it was a long extended weekend.  My sister Tori threw rosie a bachelorette party at my house...that was fun and silly.  It was kind of weird being the only married woman there...but of course it was fun being silly with my sisters and rosie's friends.

Friday night was the rehearsal...a fun party put on by rosie's mil & sil.  We had yummy food and great fellowship and bruster's ice cream for desert!! WOO HOO!!

I'm definitely thankful I wasn't going to be center of attention b/c everything I had planned to do for myself never happened...I barely got shaved and out the door.  The first dress I had purchased and was soo excited to wear to the wedding as I was getting dress that morning the zipper broke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So i had to go to dress 2 for which i didn't really have any cute shoes to wear so I had to wear my ouchy heels...which looked good but didn't feel good! My legs are still sore.  I never got my eyebrows waxed or plucked so i was a bit scary looking but again I'm thankful my appearance had no real effect on the wedding.  I was only in one or 2 photos with the family.

The picnic after the wedding was fun we took everyone out on the boat and did a sunset cruise too.  Definitely lots of yummy food and great conversation and games were played.  Jack was amazing I think he ended up with only 1 nap on friday and saturday!  so he was running on empty but was still the happy baby that we love....Instead of going tubing on sunday I stayed home and tried to get some rest and prepare for this week where I actually have to work :( LOL....and I tried to get Jack back on his routine too with 2 naps!!

Well hugs to you all sure hope your weekend was as wonderful as mine.


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Back from the sale.

Posted by Liz McCoy Monday, August 6, 2007 View Comments

Rebecca and I had fun driving, walking, sweating, and shopping at the 127. Neither one of us needed anything so we didn't buy much or spend too much $$ but we did have fun.

Rebecca found a great set of dishes cute service for 8 with 2 serving dishes for $35 she's missing 2 cups which she maybe able to find at

I got a sign for jack's room that is shaped like a canoe and says canoe rental for $3, 2 127 t-shirts for $10 each, a beautiful green ceramic leaf dish (i love leaf dishes) for $2, a 2 hole punch for $1, 2 small iron bird feeders with cardinals resting on the edge for $5 ea...and an all hand carved wooden cardinal resting on a log.  Got the cardinal items for mom.  I spend a little bit on food but a majority of it was donations to a local community center along the highway so i was happy to spend a bit more on a hotdog than i normally would.

It was funny I took out a bunch of $$ and totally emptied the minivan putting the seats down and taking the second row out.  Funny cuz we didn't end up buying anything that wouldn't really fit in a grocery sack and the box of dishes.

I think i might have spent more on gas LOL.  Well worth it and we both enjoyed ourselves even though it felt like it was 100 degrees...and we had to use port-a-pottys in the heat YUCK!!

Oh yes we also tried a deep-fried snickers....yes it was as weird as it sounds.  Basically it is a snickers bar on a stick then dipped in a funnel cake then fried.  I typically like my snickers frozen so it was weird eating it half melted but it was gooey and sweet so not too bad.

we took a couple pictures i'll post later.


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