Back from the sale.

Posted by Liz McCoy Monday, August 6, 2007 View Comments

Rebecca and I had fun driving, walking, sweating, and shopping at the 127. Neither one of us needed anything so we didn't buy much or spend too much $$ but we did have fun.

Rebecca found a great set of dishes cute service for 8 with 2 serving dishes for $35 she's missing 2 cups which she maybe able to find at

I got a sign for jack's room that is shaped like a canoe and says canoe rental for $3, 2 127 t-shirts for $10 each, a beautiful green ceramic leaf dish (i love leaf dishes) for $2, a 2 hole punch for $1, 2 small iron bird feeders with cardinals resting on the edge for $5 ea...and an all hand carved wooden cardinal resting on a log.  Got the cardinal items for mom.  I spend a little bit on food but a majority of it was donations to a local community center along the highway so i was happy to spend a bit more on a hotdog than i normally would.

It was funny I took out a bunch of $$ and totally emptied the minivan putting the seats down and taking the second row out.  Funny cuz we didn't end up buying anything that wouldn't really fit in a grocery sack and the box of dishes.

I think i might have spent more on gas LOL.  Well worth it and we both enjoyed ourselves even though it felt like it was 100 degrees...and we had to use port-a-pottys in the heat YUCK!!

Oh yes we also tried a deep-fried snickers....yes it was as weird as it sounds.  Basically it is a snickers bar on a stick then dipped in a funnel cake then fried.  I typically like my snickers frozen so it was weird eating it half melted but it was gooey and sweet so not too bad.

we took a couple pictures i'll post later.


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