Just wanted to publicly thank Kim Liddiard for her wonderful (and speedy) design work on the new logo for the mom’s group I organize at Meetup.com
Is this awesome or what?!?!?! Kim is so giving and I greatly appreciate her inspired design for us!! Oh yeah it looks awesome on a t-shirt too! Meetup.com does offer a shop for each group too… so who knows!
Here is her website: www.thecreativepixel.com she shares lots photography and digital scrapbooking, and life posts at her blog. She has a heart of giving and that just makes her a WONDERFUL person!!
(can you tell I thinks she ROCKS!)
Well if you’re looking for a mom’s group in duluth, ga feel free to join us over at meetup.com Here is our site address: http://moms.meetup.com/2428/
Oh yeah and I've received lots of great posts in regards to my comments post. I hope to do a follow up post soon.
Thanks for reading!!!
I am a big commenter on people's blog posts. I try to comment on all or most posts I read on friends blogs. It is part of my life motto right now of investing in people. Which is to take time and invest (or give of) my time, life, etc into others. To me that being a better friend.
Sometimes I think hmmm maybe I should slow down and wait for more reciprocation before continuing to comment on everyone else's blogs. That is what I've been thinking about for the last few weeks.
My family did tell me at the reunion that they do read and appreciate getting know what is going on even though they don't email or comment. That made me feel better and helped me see that it is worth it still.
I don't get too many comments on my blog posts but I do very much enjoy reading the ones I get. I like the comments because it starts a dialog between my one sided posts and the people who are reading them. Is it an ego thing??? Hmmm...why are comments soo special???
I have a few questions for you:
Do you read other blogs?
Do you ever comment??
What types of posts make you comment??
Are there any kind of posts you want to see more of on my blog??
I look forward to hearing from you.
Oh and FYI you DO NOT have to register any where to make comments on my blog.
I still want to do a couple more pages 1 of the food (we catered a yummy meal from a friends restaurant), one of the little kiddo guests (there weren't many) then one of the singing happy birthday. The 1st birthday album will be 20 pages double sided! HAHAHA....with 300 pictures it ought to be big :)
It will be sooo nice to actually have a scrapbook complete! Then I need to move onto his 2nd birthday party YIKES! I need to catch up :). Jack already LOVES looking at all the pictures he'll see himself, point and say Jack-a-mo!
This is the invitation page the invite was a little booklet with photos of Jack throughout his first year narrated by a little poem noting his first year accomplishments. You can see below how it looks once the invite was attached.
These are pictures of the "completed" book. Still have a little bit left to do. As you can see some pages have a blank spot. Those were the "guestbook" pages that each guest wrote a sentiment and they could color/decorate the page anyway they wanted. I took their picture to put on the page. I need to get the pictures printed and stuck onto the pages. This picture also illustrates how I scrapped his birthday cards. I just used coordinating papers and xyron'd them onto the paper. I plan t add a bit more embellishment to the pages. I was thinking a big graphic arrow with the name of the person who signed the card. There are 7 pages of cards so far. I think I have a few more cards from his 1st birthday around the house some where.
Jack 1Bday - Cake
Jack's B'day - Jack & Papaw
Jack's B'day - King for the Day