We're traveling through palo alto right now lots of houses with beautiful gardens and flower beds all through the streets. Lots of the homes have gated courtyards out front. Very lush and pretty.
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That is the too early time I had to wake up at this morning :). Had to get showered dressed and get the kiddo ready to goto grandma's house.
I was pretty much all packed last night execpt for contacts and my name tag for the photowalk.
Speaking of my name tag I had to finish it up this morning gluing on 2 things. I can't give too much away or show you a picture yet b/c there is a contest. I sure hope mine is impressive to the judges I put a lot of hard wor into it. I will post a picture after the photowalk.
We're on the way to dh's job where I will catch MARTA to the airport. I will have to get my breakfast at the airport.
Let me tell you alittle about the freakout I had last night. I had my packing list and was checking this off when I saw on the list Laptop & Charger .... WHAT CHARGER...ACK!!! I am using my work laptop and I bring it home every night but I don't really ever need the charger because it charges on the docking station when I go back to work. So there I was at 11 pm thinking I had to go all the way to the office but I did have my key it was given to a co-worker while I'm gone. I called my sister to see if I could try her charger and Praise God it did!!!! That so far has been my only freakout.
Well I'm almost to marta.
Hugs all!!!
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