I remembered I HAD to get gas after work. I am pulling into the gas station outside my office see the gas price at 3.85 per gallon for the cheap stuff! My stomach did a flip and a flop. I really wish I couldn't remember when gas prices in my same neighborhood were .69 per gallon.
I thank God I only drive 3 days a week to work and that dh is still driving our economic accord.
I don't even want to imagine 7 / gal prices like they are forcasting.
Man, what is the solution? For us its to cut back... Way way back. We will be claiming the abundance God promises in his word by stewarding the money we have spending wisely so he can work mightily within our specific situation.
My ideal would be to get a hybrid. I love the fact that you can save money without altering your driving lifestyle. I'll lift that desire to God and it will happen one day.
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