WLW-Update w/download link

Posted by Liz McCoy Saturday, July 12, 2008 View Comments

Well if you read my previous post on WLW (Windows Live Writer) you’ll see that I’m very much enjoying it.  Read the comments and you’ll see a link to download a newer version called the Tech Preview Version.  Thanks to Joe Cheng for pointing me in the right direction for this version.

In my post on my latest DIY Project you’ll see that the photos have been masked with rounded corners.  How cool is that??? WLW did for me!!! HOW COOL is that!!!!

I’ve only been using this software for a little over 24 hours and it certainly has made my blogging so much more enjoyable!!!

Be sure to check out Joe Cheng blog for more helpful tips on WLW.

And here is the link to download the Tech Preview Version

Oh lookie here helpful videos on how to use WLW!!!


I intend to check these out let me know if you find anything else I might find useful. 

DIY Project - Peacock

Posted by Liz McCoy View Comments

My mom gave me their plastic peacock wall art the other day, which I've been wanting for along time.  I decided to paint it white.  I hung it on our newly painted kitchen wall.

Finished Project:

peacock 004

I was too impatient to get the project complete I forgot to take a good before shot. Here is my in progress and the before shot.  See all the bright colors pretty and fun but I think seeing it in complete white makes it soo beautiful!!  My goal is to find some white milk glass plates to hang 3 on either side I think that would complete the whole wall.

peacock 002

Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda FazaniInstalled by CahayaBiru.com

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