garage sale went great

Posted by Liz McCoy Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Well the garage sale went fantastic....we made a good bit of money back on the stuff we sold.  Ken and I were able to sell our couch, chair, & ottoman for $20 more than we paid for it (bought it at a garage sale last year).  So our living room is set up with our lawn chairs until we sell ken's truck and find the right set of recliner sofas. 

We had a great flow of traffic pretty much the whole day, except for right at the beginning. We were a bit concerned when no one was there when we "opened" at 8am?? In all our time of doing garage sales we had always had more than one shopper show up BEFORE we started.  So we prayed in the name of Jesus Christ with our power of attorney for the shoppers to come and for us to get good money for our items.  And God DELIVERED. 

We're pretty honest with our pricing we don't try to charge much alot of stuff we had was .10 items and .25 items, but we also had alot of things that were newer and worth more so we priced them as we'd pay for them.  There wasn't much haggling so we knew we priced things right.

All those in the family who helped prepare and sell split up the $$ and we all did pretty good couldn't complain.  I don't know that we're going to splurge on anything with our $$ but we've got a nice little chunk.  I certainly realized I'm not spending $ on anything anymore.  Finally after all this time I see how sad it is to buy something at a great deal of like $5.00 but if you never use it and it is brand new no one cares how much it was they're only going to pay .50 for it at a garage sale!

I still want to get rid of TONS AND TONS of stuff in the house it isn't necessarily junk just stuff that we no longer need.  Rosie and Andy have some bigger pieces they want to sell towards the end of the summer nearer to their wedding so i might have to get my things ready by then.

Anywhoo....catch you later!

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