Geezz when you have a baby all their stuff just takes over your house!!! We have a bunch of duplicates too since I had on for my house and one for mom's house. We have 2 highchairs, 2 exersaucers, 2 swings, etc. etc. I've had the highchairs and bouncy seat and bassinet wrapped up in plastic garbage bags in the garage. But these things are just ackward and in the way no matter what. Along with those items we had the exersaucers and swing assembled and just sitting out there getting dirty and taking up SOOOOO much room. We wanted to get a big cardboard box that would hold a bunch of the stuff and we were going to order some online. My parents had a UHaul Wardrobe box and we tried that and it worked pretty darn good we were able to get 1 highchair the bouncy seat the bath tub seat 2 baby slings/carriers and 1 baby carrier back pack with wheels into one box!!! So we purchased 3 more wardrobe boxes from Uhaul and packed up everything. We disassembled the baby swing and got it in there with the other swing we no longer have baby stuff everywhere in the garage. We used the boxes to make a wall to the laundry area. I'm really excited how things worked out. Behind the boxes is dh's tools and work area. There are still some boxes we need to go through and some organizing to accomplish in there but we don't have to worry anymore about the baby stuff we wanted to keep for the next kiddo gobbling up all the space. We plan on putting up a curtain or some sort of divider wall in front of the wardrobe boxes to help "clean up" the look of the area.

Now my next big tackle in the garage will be this giant stack of too small clothes for Jack!!! Yowzers buddy you had alot of clothes!!! I really want to get the boxes of clothes down to 3 for him from the 0-18 month sizes.

Now my next big tackle in the garage will be this giant stack of too small clothes for Jack!!! Yowzers buddy you had alot of clothes!!! I really want to get the boxes of clothes down to 3 for him from the 0-18 month sizes.