More decluttering progress

Posted by Liz McCoy Sunday, December 9, 2007
Wow what a task. It has taken me all week to empty off the entertainment center and get it ready to be moved to another wall in the same room. Finally this morning we moved it and WOW it was sooo heavy. No wonder everyone in my family was like I'm not helping move that thing. LOL But Kenny and I did it and i'm soo glad we did!! looks great. Where it was will now be more play area for Jack. I plan on putting up a shelf all the way across the wall with L brackets at his standing height for play stations. Puzzles books legos, little people. everythign will be organized and have an area to play and learn with!!!

On Saturday we help clean out and organize my parents crawlspace/basement (you can actually stand up in it). That is where we keep all the stuff we don't want anymore or have out grown since our last garage sale. Everyone in the family just combines the stuff together for the next garage sale and what doesn't sell we donate to goodwill or another thrift store or organization.

We didn't end up having a garage sale this year so we have lots and lots of stuff down there and it was getting out of control just piling up. So a few weeks ago we decided we needed to go through things and pick out things that we'd actually sell or things we can donate. The things we like to donate are things that don't really sell at garage sales but do at the thrift kitchen glassware and little trinkets. Well what was cool is that we received a call from a charitable organization asking for donations and they'd be in our neighborhood this monday. So we said to put us on the list and we had that extra push to get in there and sort through everything. We have a huge pile of boxes and bags of goodies to donate and big boxes and everything we want to sell at our spring garage sale we have boxed up very neatly and is stacked up ready to go. We all feel much better.

DH and I feel better too because we don't have to hold that stuff in our garage anymore b/c there is room now!!! We took a whole minivan load over yesterday after noon. We had about 1/2 for garage sale and 1/2 donate....and 100% gone from our house LOL!!

So we have a bit more room in the garage to sort through the rest of the stuff we need to purge to continue on our organizational path!!!
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