My Birthday

Posted by Liz McCoy Monday, December 24, 2007
Yesterday was my birthday I'm 26 now! It was a pretty good day didn't have tooo great of a time I have a stuffy nose and a scratchy throat but i've been loading up on vitamin C and taking colloidal silver. Jack has a stuffy nose too. Not a very fun holiday so far I really want to get better quickly so I don't have to feel soo yucky. I was surprised that I didn't get many greetings or phone calls but oh well the ones I got were special. And it's pretty typical for people to not remember since there is so much going on with the holiday.

We went to Dh's brother's house for the cousins to exchange gifts and that was nice. Jack had some good practice opening presents. I'm glad I brought one for him then he'd have 2 to open. It was a 45 minute drive to their house things went pretty well Jack got a bit restless going there but had lots of fun playing in his cousin's kitchen.

Today we're having dinner with my parents, dh's parents, 2 sisters and 1 BIL should be fun. I will be preparing my first glazed ham. I have to get some sided together too. We still need to get the tree finished and put the presents under it. We got the tree out of the box and a strand of lights doesn't work so we've been trying for a few days to get it going but nothing is working...very irritating.

I'll take pictures of our holiday gathering and post them soon.

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