I wanted to share with you all some CUTE CUTE CUTE pictures from our ohio trip of the 2 cousins. We miss them bunches!!
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From McCoy - Ohio Trip 10-13-08 |
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From McCoy - Ohio Trip 10-13-08 |
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From McCoy - Ohio Trip 10-13-08 |
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From McCoy - Ohio Trip 10-13-08 |
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From McCoy - Ohio Trip 10-13-08 |
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday dear Tina,
Happy Birthday to You!
God’s Blessings on You,
God’s Blessings on You,
God’s Blessings dear Tina,
God’s Blessings on You!
Happy Birthday to my dear cousin Tina!
My grandpa b (dad’s dad) fell asleep on Friday Morning he died in his sleep so we’re thankful for that. He had been battling Alzheimer's for a while now and a few weeks ago he fell and got very weak. We knew his quality of life wasn’t the best because of that horrid disease and it was something we all dealt with seeing him deteriorate and progressively get worse and worse. It is comforting to know that the pain of seeing him like that is gone. We have to deal with the loss. For me that means rejoicing in the tremendous life that he had. I will be putting together a more detailed post about my grandpa later on.
I will be away from the keyboard for the next couple of days traveling up to Ohio. Which means I won’t be blogging either.
Thanks to everyone for all your love and support it is greatly appreciated and comforting to know that so many people care for me. I will be sure to pass that love onto my family.
Well you may or may not know that the month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You may also know someone who has been affected by this disease. Maybe you know a survivor or someone who has died from this disease.
My sister in law lisa is doing one of the most supportive endeavors (in my opinion) for the fight against this disease. She is Walking for a Cure in the Atlanta Breast Cancer 3 Day. This is a 3 day walk totaling 60 miles. She has made this commitment to walk to honor wonderful women in her life and her family’s lives.
“I will be walking this year for some amazing women including my husband's grandmother, Billie, also my stepmother's cousin and aunt, Jose and Betty. All of these women have inspired me to join in the fight against breast cancer. They will remain in my heart as I train. I have met and heard of many other women and families who battle breast cancer and many who have lost the fight and these stories have also inspired me to walk for a cure. My stepsister has also been an inspiration to me as she has walked for the last 3 years now and will be walking again this year. I will be walking for our futures and for my daughter's future as well.” ~ Lisa McCoy
The walk is taking place on October 24, 2008 she is excited to fulfill her commitment to those who have donated and to those she is honoring with her walk. She still needs to raise a bit more money to reach her goal of $2,200. I would love it if you could give a little bit to support her and to really support this tremendous cause. She has a few weeks left to raise $600, I know it is hard to find the money to give when the economy is down. But we give what we can, every little bit counts.
Remember the principle of giving equals receiving and know that as you give you will receive back greater than you ever thought you could.
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From Bianchi - Anniversary Sunday HQ 2007 |
What is his name?
Ken McCoy
How long have you been married?
5 years!
How long did you date?
We dated for 2 years and were engaged for 1.
How old is he?
26 a few months younger than me ;)
Who eats more sweets?
Me! I'm a sugar junkie.
Who said I love you first?
He did. I didn't say it back right away because I wasn't sure. I knew that I cared for him very much, he was my first real boyfriend I was 18 what did I know about love? He was sure though. He'd had past experiences that really showed him it was true love for me. No worries I did say it :) and continue to say it everyday! I LOVE YOU!
Who is taller?
He is. But we're pretty close...especially when I wear heels
Who can sing better?
I don't think either one of us would admit to being a better singer. We're both pretty much hopeless. We do sing though when it comes to our little boy. But there are NO karaoke bars in our future.
Who does the laundry?
Whomever runs out of underwear first.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I can't remember if we ever had issue with where each one of us slept the only thing we had to deal with was sharing a bed period LOL. A big adjustment for both of us coming from large empty beds for 1. I sleep on the right side he sleeps on the left.
Who mows the lawn?
The lawn company :). The trimming of bushes, and landscaping we do together but he does most of the hard work like hauling mulch and spreading it. I do the fun stuff like trimming bushes with the electric hedge clippers and raking.
Who cooks dinner?
We both do. I guess I cook dinner the most and he picks it up the most.
Who pays the bills?
He does. I tried taking that responsibility over but I never really got the hang of it.
Who drives?
He does. But I backseat drive, so there!!
Who is more stubborn?
Hmm. Not sure if either of us is really stubborn...anyone want to weigh in on this one for me?
Who kissed who first?
He did.
Who asked who out first?
Hmmm probably him (is that horrible I can't remember?) We worked together so we'd do more friendly activities like go to lunch together and hang with friends.
Who proposed?
He did. We knew 3 months after we started dating that we were going to get married. Of course we were YOUNG and just starting college. We knew our parents would NEVER want us to get married so young. He got me a promise ring and we dated for 2 years. He formally proposed to me in the car right before we went to dinner. OOOH goose bumps! What a special special moment :) LOVE YOU HONEY!!!!
Who has more siblings?
ME! He is the youngest of 2 boys and I'm an oldest of 5 girls.
Who wears the pants?
Ultimately he does. Day to day when he's not around oh yeah I'm sporting the pants. I'm a control freak but I'm working on that.
I can't wait to see how my friends answer this one so I'm tagging my cousin sarah, my cousin tina, my cousin becca, amanda, margie , my sil lisa, cousin angela...oh and the rest of you married gals....I can't wait to read your posts.
Okay I’ve been tagged by my cousin sarah to complete this meme. All questions relating to my first child (for me the only child).
1. Were you married at the time? Yes
2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant? Excited, Happy, Nervous, Elated!
3. How old were you? 25
4. How did you find out you were pregnant? The first month we tried we tested and it was negative. A few weeks later we were getting ready to go out to dinner with some friends and I had to go pee really bad and thought hey why not just take a pregnancy test for the heck of it we had one left over from the first time. I yelled for dh and we waited and could NOT believe it was showing 2 lines!! What?? We were running late for dinner so we said afterwards we’ll go by Target and get another test just to be sure. Of course that was one of the LONGEST dinners we ever had. Went back home and took the test again and what do you know it was POSITIVE!! We were preggers!! Just writing about it now makes me teary eyed and happy thinking about the pure excitement of finding out. What a blessing!
5. Who did you tell first? We told my mom first. Everyone else we waited until we were 3 months + along.
6. Did you want to find out the sex? Yes…at 13 weeks. I am a planner and just HAD HAD HAD to know the sex as far in advance as I could.
7. Due date: July 26
8. Did you deliver child early or late? 1 week early
9. Did you have morning sickness? Nope. I thank God for the wonderful pregnancy that we had and am believing for the next one to go so smoothly.
10. What did you crave? Only had 1 craving and only had it once…a funnel cake. Had to make it myself but it was worth it and oh so yummy!!!
11. Who irritated you the most? I don’t think I got irritated…maybe I should ask hubby on that one???
12. What was your first child's sex? Boy! Exactly what we were believing for. God is Great!
13. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? I have no idea. Just remember once gaining 10 pounds in like 2 or 3 weeks and the drs not too happy about it. Of course it was mostly all baby!
14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Nope.
15. Where did you give birth to your child? At the hospital.
16. How many hours were you in labor? not very long 3 am started…7am left for the hospital…2pm the baby was born.
17. Who drove you to the hospital? Hubby with my mom in the back seat
18. Who watched? Hubby, Mom, and sister becca (the photographer)
19. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? Yes. I was so flustered and nervous b/c he was a week early I didn’t think I was ready. The first set of drugs calmed me very much. Then I went for the epidural and thank goodness I did b/c he was a BIG boy!
20. How much did your child weigh? 8lbs 11oz
21. Why did you name him/her the name you picked? We had his first name Jack and we knew we liked how it sounded b/c of the character on Law & Order with the same name. For his middle name it took us a long time to figure out what we thought worked with Jack. We would come to each other with middle name options and see how we liked the way his first name and middle name sounded together. Finally while watching L&O SVU the character Elliot Stabler was on and and I said to dh what about Elliott for his middle name? And there you have it our son got his name from the Law & Order series :-)
I going to tag: Amanda, Meg, my cousin tina, my cousin angela,
Saw this on my Cousin Angela’s blog, Cousin Tina’s blog too. Thought I’d go ahead and participate also. You can find out your own personal dna at http://www.personaldna.com/
You are an Analyst
Your attention to detail, confidence, sense of order, and focus on functionality combine to make you an ANALYST.
You are very curious about how things work, delving into the mechanics behind things.
Along those lines, how well something works is usually more important to you than what it looks like.
You find beauty and wonder mainly in concrete, functional, earthly things.
You are very aware of your own abilities, and you believe that you will find the best way of doing things.
Accordingly, problems do not intimidate you, as you believe in yourself.
You trust yourself to find solutions within the boundaries of your knowledge.
You don't spend a lot of time imagining how things could be different—you're well-grounded in the here-and-now.
It is important for you to follow a routine, and you prefer the familiar to the unknown.
You prefer to have time to plan for things, feeling better with a schedule than with keeping plans up in the air until the last minute.
You do your own thing when it comes to clothing, guided more by practical concerns than by other people's notions of style.
Generally, you believe that you control your life, and that external forces only play a limited role in determining what happens to you.
If you want to be different:
Try to embrace the imaginative, creative part of your personality more often.
Try moving beyond the things that you find comfortable—open yourself up to a broader range of experiences.
how you relate to others
You are Encouraging
Your outgoing nature, understanding of others, and directness make you ENCOURAGING.
You want others to do well for themselves, and you generally believe in their abilities.
You often know what's good for people because of your caring nature and your worldview.
When you care about someone, you don't keep it to yourself: you are good at letting people know that you're thinking of them.
Because you trust people, you take violations of that trust very seriously.
You thrive in social situations, and even though you know who you like and who you don't like, you can interact well with many different types of people.
You have a healthy respect for people who have earned what they have, and you strive to be similar to successful others.
You are a loyal friend and a good listener.
If you want to be different:
Sometimes, in the course of being encouraging, you can be a bit judgmental—this can make it more difficult for others to follow your advice.
While you are an expert at getting the most out of the world and taking advantage of many experiences, you might gain some insight by taking the time to be alone, reflect on things, or just observe the goings-on in the world.
Howdy All my faithful readers (all 3 of you LOL). As you can see my blog has gone through a makeover! We’re still working on getting the disqus run comments back up and running. So look out for some new fun posts after the comments are turned back on.
You can also subscribe to my blog via email or through the RSS Feed to make sure you don’t miss any posts!
Cya soon!
My pirate name is:
Mad Ethel Kidd
Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network
Today is National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Will you be participating???
Apparently it is a really popular game kind of like hacky sac but not really. I saw this on the Martha Stewart show. Apparently anyone can do it. Do your kids myachi?
This guy’s myachi video is awesome!!!
Hmm…do you think I’m too square to start???? I think I know what I’ll be getting some young family and friends for xmas this year.
Let me know if you’ve heard of this or tried it.
My mom and I are on our way to Detroit for our friend carolyn's wedding. We're excired to celebrate with her and her soon to be hubby!!!
Catch you later!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Enjoy the little things in life,
for one day you will look back and
realize they were the big things.
I thought that quote was just right for this image. The photos we took at Aunt Rosie’s farm sure have provided tons of inspiration for my layouts lately. I’m not totally sold on the placement of the title so if you have any suggestions please share.
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I love that this is an advertisement for a website, a website that encourages you to go and get offline hehehe!
So do you need to unplug???? Do you know anyone else who needs to unplug??? (yes, besides me) go to http://unplugyourfriends.com and send them alittle note!

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday dear Tim,
Happy Birthday to You!
God’s Blessings on You,
God’s Blessings on You,
God’s Blessings dear Tim,
God’s Blessings on You!
graphic credits: Designer – Linda Rechtin’s Blow Out the Candles Page Kit available in the DSP Store
Today is our 5 year anniversary. Happy Anniversary It still feels like yesterday we were talking about getting married. We knew 3 months after we started dating that we were going to be married one day.
Layout completed right after our wedding one of my first layouts ever!!!
We started dating 8 years ago in September. After all these years I still love him as much as I did the day we got married. What a wonderful man of God, husband and father! I am so blessed to get to spend the rest of my life with this man.
We are so thankful to have such a wonderful life, a wonderful marriage, and a wonderful little boy!!!!!!!! I love you honey…and happy anniversary!!!!!!!!
Thought I’d pass this along. A friend of mine John C. is a computer teacher in Mexico and he and some friends put together this video to help teach the young children how to use the computer mouse.
Be sure to check out his blog and leave him some love…this video is GREAT!!!
Okay guys...I'm loving this one it is TOTALLY out of my comfort zone ( I didn't use a quick click HAHA) But I'm really loving how this is turning out. On Saturday Elizabeth Weaver, shared with us GA Croppers a kit that she's yet to release and I just FELL IN LOVE with it. Especially how beautifully the bkgrnds worked together while playing with the blending modes. The Kit is called Runaway Dream look for it soon in the DSP Store!!!
I also used Lauren Bavin's Custom Chipboard Alpha Simple, and Irene's Rhinestone Doodles. I am on such a ROLL!!!
UPDATE: Runaway Dream is in the store NOW!! Check it out:
We've been abundantly blessed so far with all this rain from the hurricanes & tropical storms. You may or may not know that Georgia has been in a drought for the last 8-10 years. The last 2 years have been pretty serious!!! Lots of water conservation and not watering lawns washing cars etc. We've been blessed to have been receiving a bunch of rain the last 3 days from all the storms in the gulf and carribbean.
One of our main resources for drinking water is Lake Lanier & the Chattahoochee they have been very very low as of late.
(October 2007)
Robin Nelson / Zuma Press file
Perilously low water levels in Lake Lanier Reservoir north of Atlanta is threatening the metro area's water supply.
Chattahoochie in Helen, GA (This is the river we just went tubing on a few weeks ago)
This is most likely on the "long run" that the tubing company offers. We've only done that once in the 10 years we've been going to helen to tube. b/c the water is soo low you have to walk your tube most of the way.
So I wanted to let you know that Lake Lanier has already gone up a 1/2 a foot as of yesterday from all the rain. And here are pictures of the Chattahoochee river in Helen:
Here was the about state of the river when we were going down: You will see from the slide show that the water is really high and no rocks are showing. Also you'll see a bridge and the water is almost to the bottom of the bridge. We go under that bridge!!! WOWZERS!!!
Just wanted to publicly thank Kim Liddiard for her wonderful (and speedy) design work on the new logo for the mom’s group I organize at Meetup.com
Is this awesome or what?!?!?! Kim is so giving and I greatly appreciate her inspired design for us!! Oh yeah it looks awesome on a t-shirt too! Meetup.com does offer a shop for each group too… so who knows!
Here is her website: www.thecreativepixel.com she shares lots photography and digital scrapbooking, and life posts at her blog. She has a heart of giving and that just makes her a WONDERFUL person!!
(can you tell I thinks she ROCKS!)
Well if you’re looking for a mom’s group in duluth, ga feel free to join us over at meetup.com Here is our site address: http://moms.meetup.com/2428/
Oh yeah and I've received lots of great posts in regards to my comments post. I hope to do a follow up post soon.
Thanks for reading!!!
I am a big commenter on people's blog posts. I try to comment on all or most posts I read on friends blogs. It is part of my life motto right now of investing in people. Which is to take time and invest (or give of) my time, life, etc into others. To me that being a better friend.
Sometimes I think hmmm maybe I should slow down and wait for more reciprocation before continuing to comment on everyone else's blogs. That is what I've been thinking about for the last few weeks.
My family did tell me at the reunion that they do read and appreciate getting know what is going on even though they don't email or comment. That made me feel better and helped me see that it is worth it still.
I don't get too many comments on my blog posts but I do very much enjoy reading the ones I get. I like the comments because it starts a dialog between my one sided posts and the people who are reading them. Is it an ego thing??? Hmmm...why are comments soo special???
I have a few questions for you:
Do you read other blogs?
Do you ever comment??
What types of posts make you comment??
Are there any kind of posts you want to see more of on my blog??
I look forward to hearing from you.
Oh and FYI you DO NOT have to register any where to make comments on my blog.
I still want to do a couple more pages 1 of the food (we catered a yummy meal from a friends restaurant), one of the little kiddo guests (there weren't many) then one of the singing happy birthday. The 1st birthday album will be 20 pages double sided! HAHAHA....with 300 pictures it ought to be big :)
It will be sooo nice to actually have a scrapbook complete! Then I need to move onto his 2nd birthday party YIKES! I need to catch up :). Jack already LOVES looking at all the pictures he'll see himself, point and say Jack-a-mo!
This is the invitation page the invite was a little booklet with photos of Jack throughout his first year narrated by a little poem noting his first year accomplishments. You can see below how it looks once the invite was attached.
These are pictures of the "completed" book. Still have a little bit left to do. As you can see some pages have a blank spot. Those were the "guestbook" pages that each guest wrote a sentiment and they could color/decorate the page anyway they wanted. I took their picture to put on the page. I need to get the pictures printed and stuck onto the pages. This picture also illustrates how I scrapped his birthday cards. I just used coordinating papers and xyron'd them onto the paper. I plan t add a bit more embellishment to the pages. I was thinking a big graphic arrow with the name of the person who signed the card. There are 7 pages of cards so far. I think I have a few more cards from his 1st birthday around the house some where.
Jack 1Bday - Cake
Jack's B'day - Jack & Papaw
Jack's B'day - King for the Day
This is my cousin Tina and her son Adam.
Here we are together:
Photo Credit: Adam C. (tina’s son) snagged from Tina’s blog
What a treat to get to chat in real life HEHEHE. I know Tina so much better after keeping up with her blog. Do you subscribe or read any family members blogs??? Do you feel like you get to know them better through their blogs???