I've been tagged by my sil lisa. I'm supposed to share 7 interesting things about myself.
1. I've lived in 3 different states since I was born.
2. I've had 3 traffic tickets since I've been driving.
3. I love candy!
4. I once painted my sisters face with rubber cement when I was a toddler b/c I thought it was make-up (that babysitter never came back)
5. I hate malls.
6. I love making pottery.
7. I love organizing and labeling things!
1. I've lived in 3 different states since I was born.
2. I've had 3 traffic tickets since I've been driving.
3. I love candy!
4. I once painted my sisters face with rubber cement when I was a toddler b/c I thought it was make-up (that babysitter never came back)
5. I hate malls.
6. I love making pottery.
7. I love organizing and labeling things!
Well here are a couple instances where God blessed me this weekend.
1. I was able to go into work on Saturday and accomplish a good bit and also get things in order for me to see what I need to accomplish these next couple weeks.
2. Rosie watched Jack during fellowship so Kenny and I were able to hear the teaching in its fullness. Which was a tremendous blessing to me. Normally I'm half distracted.
3. The teaching was on love and true agape love. Agape love is different than brotherly love or the love between a man and a woman. Agape love is the love of and for God in the renewed mind manifestation. We learned that our love for people needs to be that agape love that is how we live like Jesus Christ and how we love God's children as God loves them.
4. DH and I were able to play outside with Jack yesterday because the weather was beautiful and we did it without distraction or guilt of feeling like we needed to be cleaning or picking up, etc.
5. After playing outside for a couple hours we straightened up the garage and took a load of garage sale items over to the storage. This cleared up alot of room in our garage. I also was able to pack up much of the toys I bought after xmas for jack's birthday and next xmas. I love opening the door to the garage much more now!!!
Well I hope you recognize how God has blessed you the last few days.
1. I was able to go into work on Saturday and accomplish a good bit and also get things in order for me to see what I need to accomplish these next couple weeks.
2. Rosie watched Jack during fellowship so Kenny and I were able to hear the teaching in its fullness. Which was a tremendous blessing to me. Normally I'm half distracted.
3. The teaching was on love and true agape love. Agape love is different than brotherly love or the love between a man and a woman. Agape love is the love of and for God in the renewed mind manifestation. We learned that our love for people needs to be that agape love that is how we live like Jesus Christ and how we love God's children as God loves them.
4. DH and I were able to play outside with Jack yesterday because the weather was beautiful and we did it without distraction or guilt of feeling like we needed to be cleaning or picking up, etc.
5. After playing outside for a couple hours we straightened up the garage and took a load of garage sale items over to the storage. This cleared up alot of room in our garage. I also was able to pack up much of the toys I bought after xmas for jack's birthday and next xmas. I love opening the door to the garage much more now!!!
Well I hope you recognize how God has blessed you the last few days.
Thanks to my cuz Tina for sharing this one.
This is so funny that it
will boggle your mind. And, you will keep trying it at least 50 more
times to see if you can out smart your foot. But you can't!!!
1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles with it.
Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right
hand.. Your foot will change direction!!! I told you so.. And there is
nothing you can do about it.
This is so funny that it
will boggle your mind. And, you will keep trying it at least 50 more
times to see if you can out smart your foot. But you can't!!!
1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles with it.
Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right
hand.. Your foot will change direction!!! I told you so.. And there is
nothing you can do about it.
Let me preface...this is going to be a long post but I think well worth the read.
I'm getting lots of post inspiration lately from the blogs I subscribe to. Earlier this morning I saw my believers category light up with one unread post. I was very excited because that category have all my friends from The Way fellowship in it. Most often the posts are from a friendwho use to live here in Georgia who now is continuing his education in Mexico and teaching computers to elementary school children.
However today was a treat it was from a friend who still live here in Georgia, Denny, I don't often see posts from Denny on his personal blog so I was quite eager to read it. He shared how he wants to start documenting his blessings and deliverances that God has worked in his life. His blog post was quite inspiring in the specifics of how he was delivered in a certain category of his life. One of the main points was that he sought wise counsel from his Household Fellowship Coordinator.
In reading that I was reminded how often times I revert back to my old man nature (or worldly thinking and behavior) and think that I am my own sufficiency rather than trusting in God and knowing HE is my sufficiency in ALL THINGS!
A week ago I was given some news that would cause me to have to take a hard look at my child care situation. In my immediate view of the situation I had only 2 options. 1) Send my child to daycare. 2) Quit my job and stay at home.
First of let me say that I strongly do not want to send my son to daycare. Secondly if I were to quit my job dh and I would have to cut back tremendously in our life style. I also didn't want to quit my job as I enjoy working there part-time and I make good money. I also have an 8 year history at my employer.
All that first weekend I was really really stressing about the situation. My dh was out of town so that compounded it because I couldn't discuss it with him and work out the solution together.
After calming down and going to our STS phone hook-up I was able to really get a little less emotional and more logical. I had God inspired idea and held fast to that idea as being our solution to the problem. We didn't know much about things so we googled and tried to research. But we weren't getting anywhere. I had mentioned to my husband I would ask my boss if he knew of anyone who may have experience in this situation. I didn't do that all week. My stress level was still elevated the whole week.
After reading Denny's post this morning I knew I had to take the 20 steps to my bosses office and ask him. In this situation he was my wise counsel. Well without hesitation he knew exactly who I needed to speak with and got me the contact information!!! He felt confident that this man would be able to help my situation. I feel a bit less stressed knowing next week I will be calling this contact and believingly the results will come quickly.
Denny is endeavoring to log his blessings and share them via his blog. I too want to do this. Right now I am working on a wedding reception, baby shower and welcome home party for friends and the theme is blessed/blessings...with that in the back of my mind i was even further inspired when I read Denny's post.
I want to make a concerted effort to blog my blessings each day. Sharing how God has blessed me and delivered me in situations is part of my ministry of reconciliation. Sharing my deliverance will inspire others to recognize God's magnificent power moving in their lives.
I'm getting lots of post inspiration lately from the blogs I subscribe to. Earlier this morning I saw my believers category light up with one unread post. I was very excited because that category have all my friends from The Way fellowship in it. Most often the posts are from a friendwho use to live here in Georgia who now is continuing his education in Mexico and teaching computers to elementary school children.
However today was a treat it was from a friend who still live here in Georgia, Denny, I don't often see posts from Denny on his personal blog so I was quite eager to read it. He shared how he wants to start documenting his blessings and deliverances that God has worked in his life. His blog post was quite inspiring in the specifics of how he was delivered in a certain category of his life. One of the main points was that he sought wise counsel from his Household Fellowship Coordinator.
In reading that I was reminded how often times I revert back to my old man nature (or worldly thinking and behavior) and think that I am my own sufficiency rather than trusting in God and knowing HE is my sufficiency in ALL THINGS!
A week ago I was given some news that would cause me to have to take a hard look at my child care situation. In my immediate view of the situation I had only 2 options. 1) Send my child to daycare. 2) Quit my job and stay at home.
First of let me say that I strongly do not want to send my son to daycare. Secondly if I were to quit my job dh and I would have to cut back tremendously in our life style. I also didn't want to quit my job as I enjoy working there part-time and I make good money. I also have an 8 year history at my employer.
All that first weekend I was really really stressing about the situation. My dh was out of town so that compounded it because I couldn't discuss it with him and work out the solution together.
After calming down and going to our STS phone hook-up I was able to really get a little less emotional and more logical. I had God inspired idea and held fast to that idea as being our solution to the problem. We didn't know much about things so we googled and tried to research. But we weren't getting anywhere. I had mentioned to my husband I would ask my boss if he knew of anyone who may have experience in this situation. I didn't do that all week. My stress level was still elevated the whole week.
After reading Denny's post this morning I knew I had to take the 20 steps to my bosses office and ask him. In this situation he was my wise counsel. Well without hesitation he knew exactly who I needed to speak with and got me the contact information!!! He felt confident that this man would be able to help my situation. I feel a bit less stressed knowing next week I will be calling this contact and believingly the results will come quickly.
Denny is endeavoring to log his blessings and share them via his blog. I too want to do this. Right now I am working on a wedding reception, baby shower and welcome home party for friends and the theme is blessed/blessings...with that in the back of my mind i was even further inspired when I read Denny's post.
I want to make a concerted effort to blog my blessings each day. Sharing how God has blessed me and delivered me in situations is part of my ministry of reconciliation. Sharing my deliverance will inspire others to recognize God's magnificent power moving in their lives.
I was blog reading this morning and one of the organizational blogs I read had a snippet from a book, Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy.
Here is the snippet:
The October 11 entry in Simple Abundance has this story.
Here is the snippet:
The October 11 entry in Simple Abundance has this story.
do know a wonderful woman who was very active in her children's school
for many years, largely because after she had volunteered a generous
amount of her personal time, no one else came forward to take her
place. The hours she put into her PTA related work were the equivalent
of a full-time but unpaid second job.
When she made the
terrible discovery that she had breast cancer, she admitted to close
friends that in a strange way, she was relieved. Cancer meant she could
start saying "No," create boundaries, and finally put down the school
committee burden without guilt. Now she could ransom back her life.
After all, no one expects a woman fighting breast cancer to do anything
but take care of herself.
Many of us can say we don't know how to say no in certain situations. I've been dealing with this lately and really being honest on the things I can/cannot handle. I've already reduced some of my responsibilities outside of my secular employment. I'm contemplating reducing other volunteer jobs soon also. Getting clear on what I want to accomplish with my self improvement projects will help me see what will fit within that and what responsibilities wont. Life is much to short to be over extended and do things you don't want to do.
Have you ever faced having to say no or saying yes when you really want to say no?
This morning I spent about 10 minutes cleaning out my hotmail inbox. Wow that was nice I had so much promotional emails and newsletters that I knew most of those 1500 emails could be deleted...I got them down to 29 unread and 571 total!!! go me go me!!
Have you cleaned out your inbox lately???
Have you cleaned out your inbox lately???