Monday - Baked chicken with red potatoes & green beans
Tuesday - Turkey Chili from Sunday served with white rice
Wednesday - Homemade Flat bread pizza
Thursday - Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
Friday - Burrito bowls with white rice, black beans, chipotle chicken, cheese and lettuce with salsa and tortilla chips.
Wish me luck!!! If I can make it home and get started right away cooking I usually have a good chance of getting food on the table LOL.

Question 1
What can you draw well?
No, but I can doodle pretty good!!!
Question 2
Name a TV show (at any period in your life) that you watched that you were probably a little too old to watch.
Hanna Montana!!!
Question 3
What color is the dominant color of your wardrobe? Black for now
Question 4
Favorite donut?
Cinnamon & Sugar powdered donut holes from Dunkin Donuts
Question 5
Wear painful shoes just because they are cute?
I wear a pair of painful high heels only because I'm too cheap to buy a new pair of dress shoes.
Bonus Questions
Question 6
Is there anything that you believe you do not believe God about?
Wow...NOT AT ALL. I've seen him preform miracles big and small in my life and other's life I certainly believe in God and all the Bible says he is.
Question 7In general, do you think it is ok to be frustrated with people?
I'm not sure if I think it is okay to be frustrated with people. I have instances where I really want people to see the truth in situations but I can't change their minds they have to want to see things differently that frustrates me but I try not to dwell on it. I like to give them love and move on. I'm not always successful that this but I try and I think that is the important thing.
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