Well I found a purse organizer and I absolutely LOVE IT!!! It is called the Purseket and it is perfect as you can see I have a place for my bberry, cellphone, wallet, all my sets of keys, my digital camera, and I'm not even using one of the pockets!! And right in the middle is my coupon wallet :) And even better it was on sale at the Container Store last weekend with their travel sale.
Another nice features being able to switch purses easily by rolling up the purseket and moving to another purse.
I blog as an online scrapbook/journal. I don't write every last thought I have because not every thought is worth sharing with the world. I try to keep things upbeat and positive as that I something I strive to achieve everyday. (it is work but I try)
I agree in part with your webby in that some people may look at blogging as an excuse not to keep in touch with people. However I blog to be less intrusive to people. I don't like clutter in my inbox and sometimes email updates of my son's latest triumph or my new purse organizer (LOL), sent to every friend/family member can become annoying to some. Or I may leave others out who want to be included.
I allow my friends, family, strangers to come and go as they please and get the updates they want when they want them IF they want them LOL. I also love how easy it is to post pictures and videos that some people may not be able to receive in email due to size.
I definitely try to make an effort to communicate and keep in touch with people, however I don't always get reciprocation so again for the reasons above I document and let ppl read at their leisure.
However in opposite to blogging lately I've made a big effort to mail people letters/cards and really establish a new level of communication with my friends that I've lost touch with or another reason.
My motto of late has been to "invest in people". In becoming a better friend I am trying to give more of myself by investing my time, energy, interest, etc in other people.
Well I'd love to hear why you blog...and even why you may read my blog. Just comment below.
Now we're headed downtown to the container store and ikea. I want to look at the options both stores have for recycling bins. I also desperately need a purse organizer, I'm tired of always searching for my keys in my not too big purse :-P
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P.S. Don't you just love his new "cool dudes" (his sun glasses) he puts them on and says cool dude.
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I thank God I only drive 3 days a week to work and that dh is still driving our economic accord.
I don't even want to imagine 7 / gal prices like they are forcasting.
Man, what is the solution? For us its to cut back... Way way back. We will be claiming the abundance God promises in his word by stewarding the money we have spending wisely so he can work mightily within our specific situation.
My ideal would be to get a hybrid. I love the fact that you can save money without altering your driving lifestyle. I'll lift that desire to God and it will happen one day.
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There were a couple riverboats on the water but our favorite we I was a kiddo, the McDonald's riverboat, was no longer there :( I asked a park ranger and he said it hadn't been around since the flood of 1993.
More picts to follow
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God really blessed us last nught finding our hotel room. We wanted to travel to Columbia, MO to stay because it would let us sleep in a bit this morning before we head to the arch.
We had a coupon book from the gas station and tori called a bunch of the hotels and they said they were all filled up because there was a college graduation.
Then she tried one more hotel the Travel Lodge, they told her they only had one room left and it was 95 dollars! Then without asking the lady offered the room to us for 54 dollars if we booked it right there on the phone so we did. I was a bit nervous b/c who knows what the hotel looked like. I spoke in tongues as we drove in knowing that God has his hedge of protection around us and we wouldn't have to stay at a dump. Lol the hotal was nice but I would have never paid 95 dollars to stay there.
It is great to see God meet our need of a decent room then blessed above and beyond financially. And we didn't even have to use a coupon (rosie :))
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With all changes it was incredible to have found it over 20 years later. My sister, Rebecca and I stuck our hands in there in 1985. You can't read or see the prints very well but WOW what a treasure!
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We knew there would be a new playgroun but we were astonished to see our old euipment still there.
The pond looked good where I remember having fishing derbys and feeding the ducks.
Pictures of the park (old equip not shown-yeah not sure why I didn't get any on this thing)
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Only a few buildings are occupied right now and as I mentioned before some are completely torn down. It was really hard to see the place so uncared for.
Anderson Library a place my dad and other builders restored 20+ years ago was pretty run down as well. It is obvious not many organizations pride themselves on the upkeep of their property like the way international does.
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Here we are in front of the welcome sign. We went to see our old home on the Way College of Emporia that was cool except emporia hall the dorm iwe lived in had been torn down along with a bunch of other buildings. Many other structures. Have been added to the property. We mostly took video and pictures on our other cameras so you'll have to wait for that.
We went to the zoo and the vetrans park and peter pan park.
The zoo had prairie dogs that were so cute.
What was really cool was that at peter pan park still had the same old playground equipment.
The next few posts will be pictures of emporia.
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It was neat the rivers off the lake were flooded. We weren't able to find the stepping stones we used to walk across on they may have been way under water.
Of course I forgot to take a picture on this phone but here is a picture of the beautiful day we've been travelling with.
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We heard the funniest thing on the radio this morning, the DJ announced the lunch menu for 3-4 differnt counties! How fun is that :)
Another p.o.i are the oil rigs you will see all across the Kansas landscape, I took a picture for you.
Oh this is great, our hotel had the brochure stand of attractions and one of them was for Emporia. I picked up a few for my family, it is fun to see your home town is a tourist attraction.
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We stayed the night in Dodge City, KS at the travel lodge.
Our rating is a 2.5 out of 5.
We ate breakfast at a chilhood favorite Daylight Donuts. I'm hoping that the shop in Emporia is still there so I can get a pict. They used to have a big donut in the parking lot.
We woke up at 5:15 and it is 6:38 and we're getting the hell out of Dodge LOL!!!!
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Look closely in this picture for gully like indents in the terrain. Those are the trails there are four but from the angle I took the picture you probably onluy see three.
Just absolutely amazing to us to see the pioneer life upclose.
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I'm so excited to have made it to KS. Our first stop is Dodge City, I had scheduled a visit to an overlook of the cattle stock yards. Believingly that will still come to pass.
The weather in eastern co an western ks ia phenomenal!!! This certainly is the weather I packed for :). You will notice that I'm not wearing my sweater (the only one I packed LOL). So now you all know I did bring more than one outfit hehehe.
Love ya
PS speaking of cattle...we're smalling them right now...YUCKY
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We opted to take most of our dunes pictures on our nicer cameras so we'll have to update those later. But you can kind of see them behind us
12:30 pm we're done at the dunes and have to follow the same route back through/over the mountains.
Fyi the below mtn pict is of mt blanca and that mtn is 14,345.
After we get back through the mtns we will be searching for some yummy food.
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