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As you know we started a home organization process and have been purging lots of unnecessary STUFF. In that process we rearranged the living/dining room in our home. We've made more room for Jack's play area and consolidated the furniture to make a more cozy living room area.
I wanted to get a train table (you know the ones that are everywhere right now) but I wanted something more built in and something that would be more than just a train table. So I came up with a design to put a table all across the back wall in the dining room area. We had one design in mind going to home depot but while DH, my dad, and I were there shopping we changed the design and simplified it and we bought all the materials. Plywood, decorative molding and fence posts for table legs, etc.
Well we had thought we'd work on it on Saturday but the day went by too fast and we spend alot of time at Home Depot and then had a family dinner later that evening. So we said Sunday. We ended up playing games with some friends from fellowship after fellowship was over until about 5:15. Thankfully I was able to convince dh that we needed to start it tonight so we could finish up painting it on Tuesday when we both had the day off. We got all the construction done in less than 4 hours. The next step is to fill in all the nail and screw holes and then Paint Paint Paint!!
So here is the before picture:

and here is the after photo from tonight (we just finished at 10:15pm)

I don't think these pictures do it justice. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE how it turned out!!! I can't wait to get it painted and put all his toys on there so he can play with his little people and his puzzles and legos there is room for storage under there too. Then he can invite some little friends over to really test it out!!!
I'll post more pictures once we get it painted.
I wanted to get a train table (you know the ones that are everywhere right now) but I wanted something more built in and something that would be more than just a train table. So I came up with a design to put a table all across the back wall in the dining room area. We had one design in mind going to home depot but while DH, my dad, and I were there shopping we changed the design and simplified it and we bought all the materials. Plywood, decorative molding and fence posts for table legs, etc.
Well we had thought we'd work on it on Saturday but the day went by too fast and we spend alot of time at Home Depot and then had a family dinner later that evening. So we said Sunday. We ended up playing games with some friends from fellowship after fellowship was over until about 5:15. Thankfully I was able to convince dh that we needed to start it tonight so we could finish up painting it on Tuesday when we both had the day off. We got all the construction done in less than 4 hours. The next step is to fill in all the nail and screw holes and then Paint Paint Paint!!
So here is the before picture:
and here is the after photo from tonight (we just finished at 10:15pm)
I don't think these pictures do it justice. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE how it turned out!!! I can't wait to get it painted and put all his toys on there so he can play with his little people and his puzzles and legos there is room for storage under there too. Then he can invite some little friends over to really test it out!!!
I'll post more pictures once we get it painted.
Yesterday was my birthday I'm 26 now! It was a pretty good day didn't have tooo great of a time I have a stuffy nose and a scratchy throat but i've been loading up on vitamin C and taking colloidal silver. Jack has a stuffy nose too. Not a very fun holiday so far I really want to get better quickly so I don't have to feel soo yucky. I was surprised that I didn't get many greetings or phone calls but oh well the ones I got were special. And it's pretty typical for people to not remember since there is so much going on with the holiday.
We went to Dh's brother's house for the cousins to exchange gifts and that was nice. Jack had some good practice opening presents. I'm glad I brought one for him then he'd have 2 to open. It was a 45 minute drive to their house things went pretty well Jack got a bit restless going there but had lots of fun playing in his cousin's kitchen.
Today we're having dinner with my parents, dh's parents, 2 sisters and 1 BIL should be fun. I will be preparing my first glazed ham. I have to get some sided together too. We still need to get the tree finished and put the presents under it. We got the tree out of the box and a strand of lights doesn't work so we've been trying for a few days to get it going but nothing is working...very irritating.
I'll take pictures of our holiday gathering and post them soon.
We went to Dh's brother's house for the cousins to exchange gifts and that was nice. Jack had some good practice opening presents. I'm glad I brought one for him then he'd have 2 to open. It was a 45 minute drive to their house things went pretty well Jack got a bit restless going there but had lots of fun playing in his cousin's kitchen.
Today we're having dinner with my parents, dh's parents, 2 sisters and 1 BIL should be fun. I will be preparing my first glazed ham. I have to get some sided together too. We still need to get the tree finished and put the presents under it. We got the tree out of the box and a strand of lights doesn't work so we've been trying for a few days to get it going but nothing is working...very irritating.
I'll take pictures of our holiday gathering and post them soon.
Well, We wanted to get Jack a computer type thingy for ho ho this year and I had the hardest time deciding what there is sooo much out there.
1. At first I wanted to get the V.Smile Baby Infant Development System but I thought it might be too babyish and not grow with him enough. Then my sis read me some reviews online and not many ppl thought it kept their child's attention.
2. I had also found the Fisher Price Easy Link Internet Launch Pad which I really really liked but wasn't sure it was the one. The reviews were great. What I love about it is that it will protect your computer when they click that on they can only get to the internet site that the character matches up with and cannot accidently click out or click and delete any of your files.

3. So then I saw the Little Leaps™ Grow-with-Me Learning System / Multilingual which I liked but again it didn't have great reviews. The age group started from 9 mos to 3yrs. Thought that was a bit broad and we should have started him on it younger. I know I'm picky!!!

4. Then I found the ClickStart™ My First Computer it had really good reviews and I liked this one alot but it seemed a bit too old for him so we decided to wait until his 2nd birthday for this one.

So what did we decide??? I thought it through and decided to get the Easy Link Internet Launch Pad (#2) because jack already likes playing on our computer which is why we wanted to get something and most of the others work on the tv. If he liked it we were going to get a second one for grandma and grandpa's computer. Well I was at target when I finally picked which one and it was on sale so I got the Easy Link there fpr 23.99. Well the flyer for Toys R Us this week was showing a sale price of 19.99 well I was disappointed but didn't think it was worth $4 dollars to return the one and get the new one. Then my sister said she had a $5 off coupon for that toy so I decided to go and save 9 dollars it was worth it. Well when I got to Toys R Us the toy rang up 14.99 and then i used my coupon so I got it for $10!!!! So I got a second coupon from Rosie and got the second one at the $10 price so I got 2 for much less than 1 a regular price!!! I hope he likes it :)
1. At first I wanted to get the V.Smile Baby Infant Development System but I thought it might be too babyish and not grow with him enough. Then my sis read me some reviews online and not many ppl thought it kept their child's attention.
2. I had also found the Fisher Price Easy Link Internet Launch Pad which I really really liked but wasn't sure it was the one. The reviews were great. What I love about it is that it will protect your computer when they click that on they can only get to the internet site that the character matches up with and cannot accidently click out or click and delete any of your files.
3. So then I saw the Little Leaps™ Grow-with-Me Learning System / Multilingual which I liked but again it didn't have great reviews. The age group started from 9 mos to 3yrs. Thought that was a bit broad and we should have started him on it younger. I know I'm picky!!!
4. Then I found the ClickStart™ My First Computer it had really good reviews and I liked this one alot but it seemed a bit too old for him so we decided to wait until his 2nd birthday for this one.
So what did we decide??? I thought it through and decided to get the Easy Link Internet Launch Pad (#2) because jack already likes playing on our computer which is why we wanted to get something and most of the others work on the tv. If he liked it we were going to get a second one for grandma and grandpa's computer. Well I was at target when I finally picked which one and it was on sale so I got the Easy Link there fpr 23.99. Well the flyer for Toys R Us this week was showing a sale price of 19.99 well I was disappointed but didn't think it was worth $4 dollars to return the one and get the new one. Then my sister said she had a $5 off coupon for that toy so I decided to go and save 9 dollars it was worth it. Well when I got to Toys R Us the toy rang up 14.99 and then i used my coupon so I got it for $10!!!! So I got a second coupon from Rosie and got the second one at the $10 price so I got 2 for much less than 1 a regular price!!! I hope he likes it :)
I am sooo in love with my bow maker and my glue gun!!! Here is another picture of a present I wrapped this season.

Geezz when you have a baby all their stuff just takes over your house!!! We have a bunch of duplicates too since I had on for my house and one for mom's house. We have 2 highchairs, 2 exersaucers, 2 swings, etc. etc. I've had the highchairs and bouncy seat and bassinet wrapped up in plastic garbage bags in the garage. But these things are just ackward and in the way no matter what. Along with those items we had the exersaucers and swing assembled and just sitting out there getting dirty and taking up SOOOOO much room. We wanted to get a big cardboard box that would hold a bunch of the stuff and we were going to order some online. My parents had a UHaul Wardrobe box and we tried that and it worked pretty darn good we were able to get 1 highchair the bouncy seat the bath tub seat 2 baby slings/carriers and 1 baby carrier back pack with wheels into one box!!! So we purchased 3 more wardrobe boxes from Uhaul and packed up everything. We disassembled the baby swing and got it in there with the other swing we no longer have baby stuff everywhere in the garage. We used the boxes to make a wall to the laundry area. I'm really excited how things worked out. Behind the boxes is dh's tools and work area. There are still some boxes we need to go through and some organizing to accomplish in there but we don't have to worry anymore about the baby stuff we wanted to keep for the next kiddo gobbling up all the space. We plan on putting up a curtain or some sort of divider wall in front of the wardrobe boxes to help "clean up" the look of the area.

Now my next big tackle in the garage will be this giant stack of too small clothes for Jack!!! Yowzers buddy you had alot of clothes!!! I really want to get the boxes of clothes down to 3 for him from the 0-18 month sizes.

Now my next big tackle in the garage will be this giant stack of too small clothes for Jack!!! Yowzers buddy you had alot of clothes!!! I really want to get the boxes of clothes down to 3 for him from the 0-18 month sizes.
Wow what a task. It has taken me all week to empty off the entertainment center and get it ready to be moved to another wall in the same room. Finally this morning we moved it and WOW it was sooo heavy. No wonder everyone in my family was like I'm not helping move that thing. LOL But Kenny and I did it and i'm soo glad we did!! looks great. Where it was will now be more play area for Jack. I plan on putting up a shelf all the way across the wall with L brackets at his standing height for play stations. Puzzles books legos, little people. everythign will be organized and have an area to play and learn with!!!
On Saturday we help clean out and organize my parents crawlspace/basement (you can actually stand up in it). That is where we keep all the stuff we don't want anymore or have out grown since our last garage sale. Everyone in the family just combines the stuff together for the next garage sale and what doesn't sell we donate to goodwill or another thrift store or organization.
We didn't end up having a garage sale this year so we have lots and lots of stuff down there and it was getting out of control just piling up. So a few weeks ago we decided we needed to go through things and pick out things that we'd actually sell or things we can donate. The things we like to donate are things that don't really sell at garage sales but do at the thrift kitchen glassware and little trinkets. Well what was cool is that we received a call from a charitable organization asking for donations and they'd be in our neighborhood this monday. So we said to put us on the list and we had that extra push to get in there and sort through everything. We have a huge pile of boxes and bags of goodies to donate and big boxes and everything we want to sell at our spring garage sale we have boxed up very neatly and is stacked up ready to go. We all feel much better.
DH and I feel better too because we don't have to hold that stuff in our garage anymore b/c there is room now!!! We took a whole minivan load over yesterday after noon. We had about 1/2 for garage sale and 1/2 donate....and 100% gone from our house LOL!!
So we have a bit more room in the garage to sort through the rest of the stuff we need to purge to continue on our organizational path!!!
On Saturday we help clean out and organize my parents crawlspace/basement (you can actually stand up in it). That is where we keep all the stuff we don't want anymore or have out grown since our last garage sale. Everyone in the family just combines the stuff together for the next garage sale and what doesn't sell we donate to goodwill or another thrift store or organization.
We didn't end up having a garage sale this year so we have lots and lots of stuff down there and it was getting out of control just piling up. So a few weeks ago we decided we needed to go through things and pick out things that we'd actually sell or things we can donate. The things we like to donate are things that don't really sell at garage sales but do at the thrift kitchen glassware and little trinkets. Well what was cool is that we received a call from a charitable organization asking for donations and they'd be in our neighborhood this monday. So we said to put us on the list and we had that extra push to get in there and sort through everything. We have a huge pile of boxes and bags of goodies to donate and big boxes and everything we want to sell at our spring garage sale we have boxed up very neatly and is stacked up ready to go. We all feel much better.
DH and I feel better too because we don't have to hold that stuff in our garage anymore b/c there is room now!!! We took a whole minivan load over yesterday after noon. We had about 1/2 for garage sale and 1/2 donate....and 100% gone from our house LOL!!
So we have a bit more room in the garage to sort through the rest of the stuff we need to purge to continue on our organizational path!!!
I've got 2 gifts wrapped for this holiday season. They are for my niece & nephews. I even made the bows myself!! I'm so proud of those. I used my sizzix to do the heart gift tag and the trees. I added some holiday themed rub-on transfers to the heart tag as well. I used the xyron to stick them to the present. I'm so excited to use some of the ribbon i have accumulated over the years and my $6.99 bowmaker tool i bought a few months ago has already paid for it with these 2 bows and another that I had made this year! I love having the perfectly matching bow to go with the ribbon wrapped around the box.
I love wrapping presents I've pretty gotten rid of all my gift bags and have gone back to wrapping everything...I think there is something to be said for a beautifully wrapped gift. You may consider the wrapping to be a gift in itself.