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I wanted to get a train table (you know the ones that are everywhere right now) but I wanted something more built in and something that would be more than just a train table. So I came up with a design to put a table all across the back wall in the dining room area. We had one design in mind going to home depot but while DH, my dad, and I were there shopping we changed the design and simplified it and we bought all the materials. Plywood, decorative molding and fence posts for table legs, etc.
Well we had thought we'd work on it on Saturday but the day went by too fast and we spend alot of time at Home Depot and then had a family dinner later that evening. So we said Sunday. We ended up playing games with some friends from fellowship after fellowship was over until about 5:15. Thankfully I was able to convince dh that we needed to start it tonight so we could finish up painting it on Tuesday when we both had the day off. We got all the construction done in less than 4 hours. The next step is to fill in all the nail and screw holes and then Paint Paint Paint!!
So here is the before picture:
and here is the after photo from tonight (we just finished at 10:15pm)
I don't think these pictures do it justice. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE how it turned out!!! I can't wait to get it painted and put all his toys on there so he can play with his little people and his puzzles and legos there is room for storage under there too. Then he can invite some little friends over to really test it out!!!
I'll post more pictures once we get it painted.
We went to Dh's brother's house for the cousins to exchange gifts and that was nice. Jack had some good practice opening presents. I'm glad I brought one for him then he'd have 2 to open. It was a 45 minute drive to their house things went pretty well Jack got a bit restless going there but had lots of fun playing in his cousin's kitchen.
Today we're having dinner with my parents, dh's parents, 2 sisters and 1 BIL should be fun. I will be preparing my first glazed ham. I have to get some sided together too. We still need to get the tree finished and put the presents under it. We got the tree out of the box and a strand of lights doesn't work so we've been trying for a few days to get it going but nothing is working...very irritating.
I'll take pictures of our holiday gathering and post them soon.
1. At first I wanted to get the V.Smile Baby Infant Development System but I thought it might be too babyish and not grow with him enough. Then my sis read me some reviews online and not many ppl thought it kept their child's attention.
2. I had also found the Fisher Price Easy Link Internet Launch Pad which I really really liked but wasn't sure it was the one. The reviews were great. What I love about it is that it will protect your computer when they click that on they can only get to the internet site that the character matches up with and cannot accidently click out or click and delete any of your files.
3. So then I saw the Little Leaps™ Grow-with-Me Learning System / Multilingual which I liked but again it didn't have great reviews. The age group started from 9 mos to 3yrs. Thought that was a bit broad and we should have started him on it younger. I know I'm picky!!!
4. Then I found the ClickStart™ My First Computer it had really good reviews and I liked this one alot but it seemed a bit too old for him so we decided to wait until his 2nd birthday for this one.
So what did we decide??? I thought it through and decided to get the Easy Link Internet Launch Pad (#2) because jack already likes playing on our computer which is why we wanted to get something and most of the others work on the tv. If he liked it we were going to get a second one for grandma and grandpa's computer. Well I was at target when I finally picked which one and it was on sale so I got the Easy Link there fpr 23.99. Well the flyer for Toys R Us this week was showing a sale price of 19.99 well I was disappointed but didn't think it was worth $4 dollars to return the one and get the new one. Then my sister said she had a $5 off coupon for that toy so I decided to go and save 9 dollars it was worth it. Well when I got to Toys R Us the toy rang up 14.99 and then i used my coupon so I got it for $10!!!! So I got a second coupon from Rosie and got the second one at the $10 price so I got 2 for much less than 1 a regular price!!! I hope he likes it :)
Now my next big tackle in the garage will be this giant stack of too small clothes for Jack!!! Yowzers buddy you had alot of clothes!!! I really want to get the boxes of clothes down to 3 for him from the 0-18 month sizes.
On Saturday we help clean out and organize my parents crawlspace/basement (you can actually stand up in it). That is where we keep all the stuff we don't want anymore or have out grown since our last garage sale. Everyone in the family just combines the stuff together for the next garage sale and what doesn't sell we donate to goodwill or another thrift store or organization.
We didn't end up having a garage sale this year so we have lots and lots of stuff down there and it was getting out of control just piling up. So a few weeks ago we decided we needed to go through things and pick out things that we'd actually sell or things we can donate. The things we like to donate are things that don't really sell at garage sales but do at the thrift kitchen glassware and little trinkets. Well what was cool is that we received a call from a charitable organization asking for donations and they'd be in our neighborhood this monday. So we said to put us on the list and we had that extra push to get in there and sort through everything. We have a huge pile of boxes and bags of goodies to donate and big boxes and everything we want to sell at our spring garage sale we have boxed up very neatly and is stacked up ready to go. We all feel much better.
DH and I feel better too because we don't have to hold that stuff in our garage anymore b/c there is room now!!! We took a whole minivan load over yesterday after noon. We had about 1/2 for garage sale and 1/2 donate....and 100% gone from our house LOL!!
So we have a bit more room in the garage to sort through the rest of the stuff we need to purge to continue on our organizational path!!!
I've got 2 gifts wrapped for this holiday season. They are for my niece & nephews. I even made the bows myself!! I'm so proud of those. I used my sizzix to do the heart gift tag and the trees. I added some holiday themed rub-on transfers to the heart tag as well. I used the xyron to stick them to the present. I'm so excited to use some of the ribbon i have accumulated over the years and my $6.99 bowmaker tool i bought a few months ago has already paid for it with these 2 bows and another that I had made this year! I love having the perfectly matching bow to go with the ribbon wrapped around the box.
I love wrapping presents I've pretty gotten rid of all my gift bags and have gone back to wrapping everything...I think there is something to be said for a beautifully wrapped gift. You may consider the wrapping to be a gift in itself.
Well now you can get the updates via RSS feed in your feed reader!!! How exciting!!!
Just in time for the holidays and all the packages you'll be shipping and receiving.
Check out these resources for turning your Package tracking into a feed URL
track2rss project
towards the bottom of the page there is alittle form you can fill out with your tracking number then it will let you choose which reader you want to subscribe to the feed in.
A "prettier" website that gives you the RSS feed url you can copy and paste into your reader.
If you use Google Desktop there are some nifty desktop gadgets you can download here is one:
Delivery Status 3.9
I subscribe to them in Google Reader and rename them as the item that is being shipped. You could also add them to your igoogle page and once the package is delivered just delete it. You cannot rename the feed on igoogle though.
Hope you all enjoy this as much as I do!!!
Layout designed using a picture dh took of us
in the mountains a weekend or 2 ago. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE getting
kisses from ds and he loves giving them.
I love how Marcee Duggar's Kristee Page Kit is just soo pretty and a bit bohemian worked great for this picture recolored in sepia. I like how it seems a bit vintage.
I used DSP Liz font (available Nov 07 Club Digital) and American Typewriter
Yippie! Woo Hoo!!
Hope you all had a great thanksgiving too!!
We spent the whole day up there and started heading back home around 4-4:30 he didn't sleep on the way home but did take a 45 minute nap while we went to our favorite craft co-op. I wanted to go there b/c I knew they had some wood toys made in the USA. I found a few even got one for my MIL to give him. I just have a hard time asking for toys which could be recalled any minute. I also am having a hard time buying made in china stuff in general. I told the shop worker they should have a big sign out front advertising their lead free toys!!
I finally decided what would be on Jack's xmas list...PUZZLES I picked out some wooden puzzles by melissa & doug who assures their customers their products are completely lead free. We are also starting a 529 plan for Jack and are asking if you have to get him more than a puzzle then give him $$ in savings bonds or college savings.
It is going to be a simple holiday in our household this year...NO EXCESS...I think that is going to be my moto for a while.
Sunday night we stopped at grandma's house for some homemade pizza for dinner then we went home and crashed and went to bed early again....onto monday
Saturday all day I had photography sessions at the park. Things went well and the photos turned out good. I was pleased...and I think the clients were too. It was my first time taking kid shots. I learned a TON!!! The main thing was that with kids a 30 minute session does NOT work. For families with young kids we need an hour session so I will be adjusting things in the future. I had 2 bookings cancel due to sick kids so that opened the schedule nicely. The colors of the leaves were AMAZING this past weekend which just made the pictures PERFECT!!!
Here are some of my favorite shots over the 2 weekends:

Mean while DS was at home with Daddy and on his 2 day of diarrhea poopie diapers everytime we turned around. He also had a birthday party that afternoon which I made it home on a break to take him to it. It was SOOOO cold on saturday and the party was outside in a shaded back yard which made it even colder. I stayed for awhile and he and grandma stayed for a while longer then went home.
It's nice to try and get a little cash flow too.
I really really want to clear out the house as quickly as I can. We've finally got a solution to the piano issue and expect it to leave the house on Dec 1. My next area to work on is my serving dishes and cake plates. My dad is wanting to have a garage sale before the spring...If we have any more great days like this past weekend that might actually happen....but not sure when the weekends are filling up.
They've offered since I've been a prem member to de-dupe (remove duplicate address book entries). That has been really nice to use but it was limited to just to one folder of contacts and I have my separated into like 8 folders. I went to check things out the other day and went to de-dupe my contacts and I was soooo surprised and excited to see that you can now de-dupe contacts between folders. I had over 200 duplicates which were combined!!!
I just love finding that apps have added new features that actually solve my specific problems. Can't wait to see what happens next.
We've separated the long-term storage and the current items. The long-term will be stored in the file cabinet in the garage. The current things will be stored in a 2-drawer file cabinet with a small desk either in the Living room or the Kitchen.
Ken and I both like the idea of the desk in the kitchen there is a nice place for it where the china cabinet is. We maybe returning the China cabinet to my in-laws around Christmas time. We'll see. It could also move into the livingroom.
The living room will still continue to be the playroom for Jack and a seating area. I hope to get the home work done quickly so we can have our next session soon. Of course next week is Thanksgiving so I'm not sure if we'll have another session or not.
But over all I think it was a success. Things are magically happening like on the TV shows but they are moving forward and I am in 100 times better shape than I was 2 days ago.
God is Great he really knows my heart's desire to take care of these items so that I can be a better woman, wife, and mother for Him.
Love ya!
Next I'm going to get the brown leather recliner out there on craigslist to try and get that sold quickly. Of course the truck is still for sale :). And i'm hoping and praying to get the piano out of here by xmas time.
Now to get the piano, computer armoire, and huge leather recliner out of the house and the truck out of the driveway....oooh i'm so excited!!!
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups |
Very popular, one of you is not enough. |
In the process I'm trying out Mozilla's Thunderbird their email client i like it and that you can add extensions like firefox...but it does take some getting used to after using Outlook for so long.
I'm definitely missing DH Jack's being good for me though...but it is nice b/c daddy will get up and make the morning bottle for jack and mom can sleep 10 minutes longer :P
I hope he's having fun down there with his parents!
This weekend I need to finish up dh and my costume for bless 'n' treat we're going as Clowns we'll be the clown family :)
I'm hoping to get to take Jack to a pumpkin patch but it is looking more and more like it won't happen we'll see. I also want to sell the computer armoire this weekend too...that would be AWESOME!!
Anywho...I'll catch you later!
Well this weekend dh is going out of town to visit his parents and to help out since his dad had back surgery. He will also be taking their dining room table to their house which will be nice for me b/c it is too big for our house and it will help control out clutter issues by getting the big table and all those chairs out of here.
We're still trying to figure out how the piano will be getting down there.
Anywho...I want to get Jack over to a pumpkin patch this weekend. It will be sad without kenny there but you do what you have too and I'm really running out of time. I want to get some good pictures of him....they may not have any pumpkins left! I'm thinking of dressing him up in his clown suit to go to the pumpkin patch should make for some cute photos.
Well I'm at work and better get back to it. Cya!
OH AND GUESS WHAT!!! You can now subscribe to my blog via email!!!
Wow....yesterday was fantastic!! I really felt sooo productive.
I cleaned up a bit before I met with my organizer!!! What a great meeting she has some great ideas and I'm excited to get started getting my house out of CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome ~ and into PEACE!!!
She has already mentioned some great changes in the layout of our home...which I had never considered. I'm just so eager to get this process going. The state of my home is just sooo over whelming I can't stand it.
I went shopping with my mom to get a sewing pattern for Jack's Costume and fabric. Man I'm picky....I just had the greatest costume ever when I was little (okay just alittle built up in my mind) of a clown costume...and I want that for him. First off there aren't really any clown costumes at Target and walmart, etc. all pretty much characters and I'm not into that. And how awesome is it that Grandma and Mommy are making his costume???? I always wanted to be one of those moms LOL. I want to make it to have a bit of room in it but still small enough for another child. I almost bought a pattern yesterday but it got wet so no go on that it wasn't as poofy as I was looking for. And what do you know looking online today I've found a vintage 1949 pattern that looks exactly like what I had as a child soooo....I'm gonna order it and then start looking for the perfect fabric!!! I know I'm cutting it close...I hope they can send me the pattern ASAP!!
So after that I had a dentist appointment to get my bridge repaired and also my teeth cleaned. (Don't ask how long it had been since I had my teeth cleaned) It felt great! I've also looked into getting dental implants rather than bridges that need to be re-cemented b/c of loose teeth around them.
I will be making an appointment to see an oral surgeon. I sure hope my insurance will pay b/c it is NOT cheap about 5K per tooth and I have 2!!! I'm also looking to have my teeth whitened and the bottoms straightened and whitened.
The 2007-2008 Ministry Theme is Our Power for Abundant is also my Extreme Makeover year. This year I am changing my habits, my physical appearance and health, I'm changing my whole lifestyle. I'm energized, excited, and eager to be my best for God, myself, and my family!!! WATCH OUT.....Liz 2.0 coming soon!!!!
Love ya!
What a great meeting! I thought I'd review alittle bit about the sharing that Rev. Royal shared with us at the Word in Business Breakfast this past Saturday.
The title of the teaching was "The Needful Thing". One of the main points that she made was what is the needful thing at each moment in your life. That is a decision we need to make constantly. If the needful thing is to prepare your home for fellowship then checking your email or starting a work project is not what you should be doing. That's how we become over whelmed and scattered when we don't focus and ask ourselves what the needful thing is.
Another point that I took away was priorities!! This falls in line with the needful thing. This was a teaching that healed my heart and energized me. I have been feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and scattered with things lately. And I know what my problem is but didn't want to really do anything about it. I haven't been in The Word. I had been doing a little but not ENOUGH. I was/am limiting God. Where are my priorities??? Am I putting things before God yes and that's where I need to change. She shared how she works so that she can serve (the household).
What a great way to look at things and how to put things in perspective in terms of priorities. I do try to serve the household and others but things get stressful in other areas...and getting my priorities straight will give me more open doors.
Anyway this falls inline with what I'm trying to do with my life this year. I really am endeavoring to live a simple and decluttered (mentally & physically) life. Hmm...think God can help with that??? YES!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow the organizer is coming over to assess the office...tomorrow night is my STS video night with dh...I'm anticipating a productive day!
good news! I put together some things for a scrapbook consignment sale
that a woman hosts out of her garage. I dropped everything off
Wednesday and the sale ran from W-S and saturday was 1/2 price day. I
did have too much to sell and I wasn't sure how to price things and if
they would sell or not. I just picked up what was left and WOW there
wasn't much. Nearly everything sold. The 8.5 x 11 paper didn't sell
at I will keep that and just use it when I host the
neighborhood scrapbook day and let others use it. Most of my 12x 12
paper sold my pencil pouches sold...albums, gift tags and thank you
cards. Definitely a success in my opinion. I think I will try again
in the spring when it goes again.
Have a great night!!
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Inland North You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop." | |
The Midland | |
The South | |
North Central | |
The Northeast | |
Philadelphia | |
The West | |
Boston | |
What American accent do you have? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Howdy all!
Well we're back from our trip it was a whirlwind. It is getting more and more difficult for me to get a good night sleep not in my bed. Although even at home it is hard sometimes.
We met up with my Grandpa and Aunts and Uncle Jim which was a blessing. I got some really precious photos of Jack with Great Grandpa B those I will treasure forever!! He was having an okay time while we were there mom and dad said he had a more off time after we left. The place where he lives is really really nice, definitely puts my mind to ease.
I was able to meet one of my online friends & her family...what a treat!!! I was sooo exhausted and cranky by that time I hope I was still nice.
Watching Rebecca & Victoria get commissioned was so great! I was glad our whole family was able to be there for that. It wouldn't have been the same with out everyone. Jack's first time in Children's Fellowship was good. He didn't really know anyone or anything so he ended up staying in the stroller where he was most happy :( Kind of sad for me because it was his first time ever not being around at least one person in my family. I'll post some photos here in a second. move onto why this post is titled Scary Loud Thunder....that's what we're having right now....feels like right outside my window. We desperately need rain and I'm thankful for that...however it would be nice if it wasn't thundering while jack is sleeping!!!
Now onto some pictures:
our family
The It is Written Bridge
Jack Playing on the Playground on our trip to release some energy
Well I have a lady here at work who is one of those people when she's having a bad day (or bad month) she wants to make sure everyone else is too.
She used to be very friendly and for the last month or so she's been a really big bitch! She's short with her answers and is really unkind. It's mostly irritating to me and that makes me mad b/c I shouldn't give a crap about her but for whatever reason I do.
I went to speak to her this morning and ask her if she was having a problem with me and she basically brushed me off and didn't take a second to look me in the eye and answer my question.
Anyway usually just venting helps me move on and get over things...
Catch you later.
We had a busy day today....I spent all morning going to every little kid clothing store and target trying to find my kiddo a black shirt. I ended up buying something that wasn't quite right at every store b/c I wouldn't be able to go back if i couldn't find something at the next store. So anyway i've added a bunch of returns to my to do list this week. They just don't make black shirts for boys?????? Tons of Navy Blue but no black!!!
We needed the shirt for our family photographs we had taken. We hired Sietz Photography a local photographer to take the photos. We all dressed up in black shirts & jeans. We looked pretty darn sharp...and we're believing the photos turn out. It was nice not having to be the one to take the photos. And I'm fairly certain we (dh, me & ds) actually got a good family photo!!!! Something I've been really really really wanting.
We'll get to see the photos probably this week. And then we'll order some prints. We're going to purchase the copyright to one of the photographs of the whole family son-in-laws included for the holiday card. Then we'll order individual photos on top of that. There were some really cute ones of jack atleast from my perspective. He's showcasing his big boy hair cut!!! I'll post pictures that i've taken soon.
Tomorrow we have a going away party for my sister's with the branch. Should be fun and sweet. We'll definitely miss them bunches!!! Then we're having a family lunch to send them off and spend time with them just as a family. Then dh & I will be preparing for the week. I've got a bunch of things to get tidied up.
Oh wow...I think I'll go to be before I start making my todo list toooo long tonight.
Well today is the day my sister is leaving the company we both work at. It's a difficult day for me as I've planned her going away party and gift but I'm torn about her leaving.
It is definitely exciting as she's moving on to become a minister, which is incredible!! What an awesome commitment to God.
I'm sad b/c we've worked together for a long was nice having someone to pray with you when you weren't feeling well or being attacked by the adversary via the people you work with and work situations.
I still have one sis here she'll eventually be moving onto teaching school...but I'll enjoy it while she's here.
I think it's just weird thinking about in a few weeks she won't be anywhere around.....hmmmmm that will take some adjusting.
I've also been dealing with some personal issues just reflecting on myself and addressing some goals and desires of my heart. I'm working on putting together a plan to really MakeOver myself from the inside out.
Anywhoo......I'll get through today...and the next few weeks just fine....but we'll miss her bunches!!!!!!!!!1
Well I can't decide which costume I want for Jack this tell me!
it feels GREAT to be so productive in one day!!! I didn't get tooo much done but what I did get done made a big difference. We had a busy day yesterday but it was great to just get something done and not feel pressured. I even rewarded myself with some guilt free vegging on the couch last night!!!
I got this funny book of sticky notes from the drug store today each one has a funny little saying on it. They're designed to just kind of post around to give people a chuckle. The second one says Success is just getting the wash into the dryer before mildew sets in. ANd you know what...that was kind of my day yesterday...I actually got laundry MOVING and going and kept up with it. I wash, dry and fold DH puts away. Now it's on him LOL.
Well I finally did it. I called a professional organizer, 2 actually. I've set up an appointment for a professional organizer to come to my house this saturday to give me an assessment on our office.
I'm really hoping we'll like each other and get along well and move onto the office and really get that room completed and organized. I'm nervous b/c it definitely is an investment to hire a professional...but I honestly feel that will help point me in the right direction and get a real handle on things.
The first woman I spoke to was nice and that is who will be coming this Saturday. I don't think we hit it off too well on the phone but her assessment visit is free so I want to give that shot. She works by the project so after the assessment she'll work out what she thinks it will take and how much $$.
The second woman I spoke to seemed really nice and easy to talk to and not judgmental at all. Which immediately put me at ease. She definitely seemed like a professional. Of course her fees are hourly and charges for her time to visit and assess the job.
So I have to get back to the second lady next Monday to let her know when she can come out or whether or not she can. So believingly the first lady will have a figure for me and I can kind of gauge how many hours of the second lady I can get for that same cost so I can compare the cost of the 2 ladies. But we'll see how things go. I'm just excited to get the ball moving and see a completion date close.
Who knows if this goes well maybe we'll move onto other areas of the house. I just feel like if I can get this office in some kind of working order then other areas in the house will kind of start working out. Right now we're dealing with an overflow of paper work all over the house b/c of our lack of process and procedure for it.
Saw this on One GOod Bumblebee's Blog and decided I had to play along too!
1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car) -
Fluffy Odysse
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie) -
Rocky Road Toffee Chunk
3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name) -
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal) -
Pink Pig
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born) -
Louise Emporia
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first) -
7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink) -
The Charteause Spring Water
8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers) -
Elmer Eugene
9. STRIPPER NAME: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy) -
Lavender Licorice
10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names ) -
Lee Lee
11. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter) -
Went Wilmington
12. SPY NAME/BOND GIRL: (your favorite season/holiday, flower) -
Autumn Mum
13. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”) -
Orangey Pants
14. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree) -
Doughnut Hole Oak
15. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”) -
The Scrapbook Turning Leaves Tour
Now you do it!!
Your Life is 72% Perfect |
Your life is pretty darn perfect. You don't have much to complain about. Of course, your life is occasionally less than perfect. But you're usually too happy to notice. |
Wow that feels great. I just placed an order for an engraved pen case and they had font options on the website to choose for the text you are engraving. Script, Arial like font, cursive, etc. One of the options was Let us Decide....normally I would sit there and think, ponder, try and figure out what would look the best...b/c that is part of what I do (font choice, etc) But what did I do this time??? I let go..and just let the people there decide.
Man did that feel good!!! I think with that decision I'm headed on a very productive and efficient day.
Well nothing much to report here for over the weekend. Things were very productive we just did chores around the house...played with Jack....worked on my office a bit more and I got a layout done!! that was awesome...i've been slow in my scrapping lately so it was nice to feel like I accomplished something.
Of course I had to watch the finale of Design Star last night!! and KIM WON!!! Yippie!!! I never ever vote for any reality show but I did this time and for her. I just thought when we first met her at the beginning of the season that she was a natural on camera a wonderful host well spoken and very comfortable so it was exciting to see her win!!!
I got to bed pretty early each night which was nice and definitely gave me more energy during the day. I'm trying to get to bed around 9:30 to wind down and be asleep by 10pm. I KNOW I KNOW I'm OLD....but I've decided it is better for my body and my life to get more sleep.
Well it is Monday and I better get working!! I'm hoping for another productive day.
I love this photo of Jack that I snapped while we were playing in the office. I love how this came together today. I worked on it on and off while playing and cleaning the house. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!!
Jack, you’ve discovered that you can put things on your head. Of course you still aren’t into hats but
buckets and toys are fun to put atop your head! Mommy captured this photo while we were playing in
the office. Your four tooth smile lights up a room like sunshine!
Kim Liddiard's Citrus Smoothie Page Kit
Bracket Fun Word Art by Tina Chambers
Quick Click from September 2007 Club Digital by Lisa Carter
DSP Liz (available November 2007 Club Digital)
DSP Old General Store by Suzanne Walker
The Digital Scrapbook Place is participating in the International ScrapPink Event. For a $20 donation DSP is giving out tons and tons and tons of freebies and having chats all day long!!! Even at the chats freebies will be given away!!! And you get all the freebies even if you can't attend the chats!!!
It's pretty cool and I can't wait to see all the awesome layouts people put together.
Very is the link to more information at DSP's Store
OMGosh!!! I'm just one post away from 16K!!!!!!!
I'm talking about posts at the coolest site in town...The Digital Scrapbook Place!!!
well tonight is dad and daughter night. My dad wanted to do something special with his girls (and mom) before 2 of them leave for Way Disciple. Dad has surprised all us girls with tickets to the Kenny Chesney concert tonight!! We're super excited and it should be a fun time with Dad and all his girls!!! I'll have to post about our time this weekend.
Catch you all later!
9/6/07 DSP Blog prompt Shoes make the woman. Give us an insight into your closet. Your shoes closet that is.
Hmmm i have like no more than 10 pairs of shoes including dress shoes and flip flops. I have feet problems so i mainly wear my tennis shoes. But I've never been big on shoes I've always had a few stand-by pairs that go with everything. In high school I had more shoes but still not as many as others.
My husband I think has more shoes than I do.
Hmmmm does that say anything about me??? Could it be that I'm practical???
Well I've just been asked by an old friend to do her save the date and wedding exciting!! This will be my 3rd set this year.
God is great and is really blessing me big time.
Catch you all later.
Okay I've been offline the WHOLE weekend. Like I wrote before I've been wanting to "clean sweep" my office and that is what we've done this weekend!!! First we celebrated our anniversary by going to dinner and a movie which we really really enjoyed. Then saturday we spent most of the morning clearing out the office then the afternoon/evening/night we spend sorting and going through it was exhausting!! Our friend Andrew came over and helped Ken move the heavy pieces of furniture which was such a HUGE blessing. Jessie, Kenny and I all worked on the rest. Jessie was such a big help and since we now have a twin bed in the office she had a comfy place to spend the night.
We're almost there. I've really purged ALOT I'm sooooo blessed. We went to Ikea yesterday to pick up a couple things one small drawer cart and some drawer & cable organizers. Saw a few more things to keep in mind once I get everything sorted.
Things are definitely moving forward I'm soooo excited. I can see an end and I'm loving the way it looks!!!!! I've taken before pictures I hope to post tonight.
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Wowzers! I'm only 51 posts short of 16,000 at DSP!! I've slowed down alot since the site started a few years ago but I'm still posting away!!!
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Well today is our wedding anniversary!! We've been happily married for 4 years! It has been wonderful so far and I know we will have many more blessed years.
In honor of our anniversary I'm posting a layout I did a while back of the 2 of us on our wedding day! I'm certainly counting my blessings!!
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Well I didn't get very far last weekend. But we've changed our labor day plans and are no longer going somewhere so we will be clean sweeping this weekend. Although it is supposed to rain ACK!
Our projector bulb burnt out and we don't have the $$ right now to fix it so we're down from 102" to 20" TV right now. I've rearranged the den to make that tv work better in the room and so we could actually see it.
Hopefully with dh here this weekend and having my lil sis help with ds we will be able to really really take out everything in the office and reorganize and declutter. I'll catch you up later on that one.
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Alrightie...don't come by my house this Saturday I will be clean sweeping my office and I am talking about getting tarps out on the front lawn bringing every last piece of furniture, junk, stuff, wrapping paper etc. out of there...I absolutely HAVE TO declutter my life. I do a pretty good job of storing and cleaning up but I just can't take it any more I have WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY too much stuff.
I've tried doing it alittle at a time but that just does not seem to work for me. I'm inspired by my little sister's new bedroom. Everything really does have a place and what doesn't fit has to go or something else goes to make room for it.
I'm ready to throw away everything and just sit in an empty room with my computer...okay maybe not that far but it NEEDS to be organized and functioning. I'm tooo busy and have too many plans to get held back by STUFF. A while back dh & my dad installed some cabinetry and it is a fantastic work space so I really would like to utilize it more. Right now the counter just is holding stuff.
Anywhoo....that is my goal this weekend. Hopefully I can be effective and really make a difference in there.
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Well, I finished another scrapbook page for Jack's 1st birthday album. At this rate I might finish it by xmas. LOL. It was somewhat relaxing...I'd like it better if my tv was back in the office.
But nonetheless it is finished and i'm really pleased with it.
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the cake from Jack's birthday. A dear wonderful friend of the family and talented woman CS made the cake she did a stunning job. I had given her a picture of what I was thinking of and she did it and surpassed it! It was 2 tiered with rolled fondant icing and fondant polk-a-dots. She even polk-a-dotted one of the layers of cake!!!
Here is the journaling from the layout:
CS made your beautiful cake She even made a mini ake just for you. She
was so detailed that she made sure each mini m&m was turned so the
letters didn’t show. She also took a pink and yellow candle, melted crayons to make it match the cake. The cake was everything Mommy had imagined the top layer was chocolate and the
bottom vanilla. Mommy & Aunt Rosie made the cake topper a few days before the party. We used beads, wire, & painted wood letters.
Here are the products I used on this layout:
Tina Chamber's Doodle Delights Birthday WordArt
Jamie Heyl's Doing the Zoo Kit & Add On Pack
Kim Liddiard's All in a Row Quick Click
DSP Designer's 80's Revisited Page Kit
DSP Liz (available in Club Digital November 2007)
Rosie and I stayed up late one night working on a cake topper that I had pictured but wasn't sure how it would work or if we'd actually use it on the day of the party. Boy was I pleased it was absolutely perfect and really what I had wanted. My vision for the cake was for a kind of explosion a showering of fun.
The colors were colors I used throughout the whole me they are completely boy and perfect for my one year old.
Wow that's just too surreal I have a ONE YEAR OLD!! OMGosh!!
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what the heck is a poke??? ... i feel so violated...someone just poked me
through the internet!?! HUH??? LOL...dh is not happy about that one LOL.I just joined facebook today and have no clue what that site is all about...seems like a glorified address book with a bunch of crap added to it... but everyone i know is doing it..or atleast most of I'm trying it out.
Honestly I feel much to old to be on seems like it is a youngster's forum. But on the other hand I'd much rather be on facebook than myspace...I won't let dh post any pictures on myspace of me or our son. Too many crazy's on that site (no offense drew).
At this point I much prefer my onesided blog with the occasional comment from my cousin. Where are all of you subscribers??? Feedburner is telling me there is more than one of you...LOL
I've gone through my highschool network on facebook and its weird to think I'm 7 years out! There are a few friends I'd like to see again besides that I'm more than moved on. Of course one of my bestest friends SH we keep in touch all the time and get together too.
Well I'm off to get some scrapbooking done! I really need to complete ds's 1st birthday album.
Hugs to all!
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Good Morning All!!!
I received an email today with a website about Levi LaSalle, he is the son of dear friends of ours. Levi is developmentally challenged and friends of his are raising money to help get him into a program that will help him grow in his learning and development.
His parents have known me since I was a toddler and are like an aunt and uncle to me. There is a beautiful video on the site that explains the situation. There is also a incredibly touching letter from Levi's dad.
I'd love it if you would visit their site and get to know Levi and if you could help him please do so:
ALSO please spread the word of Levi and his family's story.
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I'm a bit down tonight...just tired I guess. I just want to vent but I know if I get some sleep I'll feel better tomorrow. So I won't say anything I'll regret now.
Exciting news for DH...he gets to go to the Bristol night race this incredible is that?? Well I'm not much of a race fan but he is so that's exciting and amazing. It is something he, my sister, and Dad have always talked about doing, and both of them are excited for DH too.
I helped mom work on my lil sister's room swap today. I'm so excited how well it turned out there are a few things left to move in and arrange but all the major pieces are there. She even has a beading station...which she's super excited about.
I have a bridal shower on Saturday it's kitchened themed. I already have the present wrapped it has been done for a week or so now. I have their wedding presents wrapped already too..LOL
I'm at a transition point with responsibilities I have in different areas of my life. Just alot of stress and decisions to be made. Your perspective really changes when you become a parent.
I was looking forward to going to the movies this weekend we'll reschedule that hopefully sometime soon. Speaking of movies I think the last one I've saw at the theater was the movie with keri russell and the pies.
Well i think i'll move on and watch my tv movie tonight...and hopefully I'll have a better attitude tomorrow.
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My house just stopped smelling like bacon that I made for breakfast on saturday and last night I needed to cut up an onion for the pot roast we're having today and now the house stinks horribly like onions!!! ARGGGHHH...and it will still smell as I cook the roast.
This makes me get excited for fund raiser season coming soon. My lil sister had a fund raiser selling candles last year they were pricey and I bought 3 and spent like 30 or 45 bucks!! OUCH but after using them I'd buy them all over again and more. They were the ONLY candle I've had that remove/mask (not sure what it did) the smell of cooking. And the smells were awesome not perfumey but not faint either. I've burnt them all down to nothing and there gone :(
Anywhoo....that's my little post for today. Catch you later!
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I love finding unique fun toys for Jack. I'm not really that big into characters and thankfully now I can avoid them as much as possible. (Jack doesn't watch tv...he just isn't interested).
But look at this awesome puzzle:
I just love that they're only $7.99!! I might have to get a few of these for him for xmas! Or atleast put them on his list for santa :).
They're available at oompa toys
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